The arts... nature... exploring neighborhoods, playing tourist, hanging in a good cafe, hanging with friends, the usual.Our Massive Planet (the wonderful world of whales)
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Your Brain's Pattern
Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?..
Grounded folks. Artsy, edgy even, but without the need to slice-and-dice those around them (that's not cool, it's cruel). Cool people. Yeah, I know; everyone's cool, just like everyone's a good driver. Folks with both substance and style. Nice folks who don't shop at Walmart. Bonus points for those who know the "Group W Bench" reference. Oh, and the Talking Dogs. I'm always up for meeting talking dogs...
Get this video and more at if one of them could teach my dogs this, my fragile human ego would be eternally grateful...
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It's Every Cuss Word We Know
Add to My Profile | More VideosVenues: Hotel Cafe (LA), Slim's (SF), Largo (LA), Stern Grove (SF), Freight & Salvage (Berkeley)....... Artists: Dylan, Marley, Pete Seeger, The Weavers, Kingston Trio, Madeleine Peyroux, Greg Brown, Kate Bush, Neil Young, Peter Gabriel, old Genesis, Laurie Anderson, Tom Waits, Nanci Griffith, Ammie Mann, Natalie Merchant, Mana, Grateful Dead, Grisman & Garcia, Dire Straights, Frau Frau...... Radio Stations: KFOG, WFUV
Baraka, M*A*S*H, Harold and Maude, Wings of Desire, Garden State, Raising Arizona, The Fisher King, Slam, Bambi Meets Godzilla, Mame, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
"Heroes" That's it. I'm hooked... and I'm not ashamed.
Currently: The Upanishads and Life After Death by Deepak Chopra. Influencial/favorites include: Hesse's Siddhartha and Demian (really ANYTHING by Hesse); Kerouac's Dharma Bums; Ferlinghetti's Coney Island of the Mind; Callenbach's Ecotopia; Brown & Hillman's Ecopsychology; Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis; Tolle's The Power of Now; Steinbeck's Travels with Charlie; The Big Book; The Bhagavad Gita; McTaggart's The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.
All the folks in folding chairs. You know who you are... Billy Carter. No, wait -- not Billy, but his brother, Jimmy, who was President once upon a time. Now he builds houses with Habitat for Humanity. I'd like to think he stays for the whole day, pounding nails, that it's not just some photo op.... Pete Seeger. In the Fifties he was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee and refused to answer their questions. Other people did this by invoking the 5th Amendment. Pete invoked the 1st Amendment...... width="425" height="350" ....John Muir. You can thank him for keeping Yosemite Valley from being dammed and turned into a reservior.... Lisa Kalvelage. Her story was immortalized in a Pete Seeger song, and he tells it better than I could... Joan Baez. She's just hot... And lastly, all my friends who helped me move on the fucking hottest weekend of the summer -- and who stepped up to help me move again... 7 WEEKS LATER!!!