Hello everyone and welcome to the temporary(?) page of the Illinois Freedom Network!
Now, many of you may be wondering what this is all about, and that is a very good question. What this boils down to is this: We have a grand, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expose the greater public to the issues addressed primarily by the "Freedom Movement". Working with and through the Ron Paul campaign is that opportunity. But what now that it seems what happens next in the campaign is out of our hands? What if Ron doesn't obtain the Republican Nomination?
The answer is simple. We keep the pressure on. We continue to communicate, organize, and strategize ways to get the information we have out to the public. By continuing to use the meetup groups and any other resource for organizing, we can continue to grow our numbers and increase the amount of people that are touched by the freedom message. And it is important for the future of America that people are aware of what is going on and what to do about it!!!
That all being said, realize that this little page here will be constantly evolving, but allow me to break down some goals that I see as worth pursuing to ensure this movement does not break down:
1.)We get as active and involved as possible in local politics.
I've recently been an election judge and it was a great experience that has got my foot into the door just a bit to maintain contacts with local political junkies. Everyone should become aware of what issues your local township is involved in, and also learn the ways and outlets in which to bring issues up that previously were unknown to your town. We also need to encourage an overall sense of duty towards an Activist Population no matter what side of the fence one may be on. The reason Washington has been able to get away with all of the corruption is that we, the people have been largely distracted!!!
2.)Build and maintain ties with those locally who are receptive to the freedom message.
This is something we all have experience with. How many Ron Paul fliers have you handed out this year? That is all it takes to find people of like mind. Create a flier and give it to everyone in your neighborhood!!! Do whatever you can to spread the message and see whose ears get perked.
3.)Become beacons of education and knowledge.
This one is a bit more abstract, but basically the idea is that we must ever continue to learn, grow, and evolve our ideas. Any movement or group or whatever that ceases to grow mentally/intellectually is a group that becomes stagnant and eventually lapses into Dogmatism. That is the death of true freedom!!!
Many people think that this movement may be over if Ron Paul does not win the White House, and the truth of the matter is that Ron Paul doing as well as he has done is just the BEGINNING of this whole movement!!! There have been many throughout the last century or two who have slowly and quietly carried the torch of Freedom and Liberty onward, and to them we owe a lot. But now is our time and with the current situation we find ourselves in regarding the rise of the Information Age and the unbelievable networking capabilities we now have, there is the potential to "infect" the majority of this country with the "virus" of Truth.
This idea of Freedom is a new one on the human scene and so this will not be an easy struggle. We may even live to see the day when people decide to pull the plug and all hell breaks loose. If anything can stop that from happening it will be us, this movement, this spirit.
Republic Magazine