I Space Ghost have lots of hobbies..weather it be punishing evil villains to teaching good hygiene..Making music with pat boone to rappin with Ice T "I'm SG and it's plain to see that I'm SG and my name is SG."- Or doing commerical ads for Sugarman's potted meat food product."Have a cow, a surgarman's cow...Scolding at Zorak is always a good pass time....I also enjoy long walks underwater, Mexican fiestas, drives through hyperspace, and quiet evenings at home."
I like lots of music cause music likes me....I myself have made some music, why i was in the cartoon planet band, but those other two zorak and brak kept dragging me down...Then i had a hit with pat boone, you know " space ghost . . . hes the space most...Not to mention my rappin with Ice -T...
inviso belt power............
Well my one and only hero can only be.......me dummy.....Jan is the female member of the team. She is Jace's twin sister. She wears a costume of light blue and yellow with a black facemask. Jan looks to be about 15-17 years old. She has a jetpack to fly, a belt that gives her inviso power, and an emblem of Space Ghost on her chest that is used for a communications device.