Noncompliant Worm. profile picture

Noncompliant Worm.

Bless you for the times you feel no love. Open yr heart to life anyway - In time you will find love

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

The Last Time We Were All Together, Sauvie Island, 2007

it's the power of the imagination which keeps the inner prisoner/individual alive. and ever so rarely do we challenge our minds to stretch themselves outward to be conscious of those surroundings we surround. those random sounds from lips we find profound.

.../././............/.../.../.../.../..././.././........../. .../..../.../..././.../.../.../.../..../..././.../..././././

My Interests

Imagine all the bad food we could eat if we were to get stoned; or, all the peace, love, and sex we could penetrate into another keyhole to unlock our brains. Perhaps we should go out dancing instead. I should like to capture the arbitrary nature we encounter and impose on a daily basis with a camera, pen and paper. Could be interesting to feel how jesus felt when the water supported the weight from which he walked! Then again, we could just sing-a-long to random songs, as if they were our own, and dance to the steps of a dance we've been trying to learn all along.


Copyright @ 2005, 2006

I'd like to meet:

If you enjoy Blue Velvet, Pink Flamingoes, the wicked comedic prowess of Sarah Silverman, slide like butter down a warm spine to the musical genius of artists like Stephen Malkmus or Patti Smith, enjoy kombucha thoroughly, have a creative bone destined for exploration, allow the sarcastic to be optimistic, dip yr head into new flavors, believe in or identify as a radical queer (minus those who halt the progress), dream of new ways to destroy the right-wing, drink coffee and look at magazines, or hang out with friends and find anything amusing, or just flat out drop it like it's hot to hot indie pop-rock, then you really have no business reading this....explore, conquest, live life...

oh, and a wicked sense of humor for the sick and barely dangling goes a long way!!!



David Lynch John Waters Wes Anderson me & You and Everyone We Know )) Charlie kaufman spike Jonze micheL gondry Lars Von Trier Todd Solondz BaRaKa All About Eve Tilda Swinton Meryl Steep Whoopi!


for the most part, all i see of the television is a blank, slightly altered, fluid-like, semi-"true-to-life" mirror reflection bouncing off the screen and into my beady little eyes. in other words, it's primarily dormant, but should be extinct. exceptions being: vhs/dvd movies, reruns of the simpsons, strangers with candy, ab fab, the golden girls, and old nintendo game playing or ( when tolerable) atari.



daredevils, dead revolutionaries, Patti Smith....otherwise, very pessimistic!

Anyone who wants to do more than protest and mourn. Anyone who wants to live in a community free of mainstream garbage, tabloid magazines, suv's, politically insensitive, bloodythirsty bastards, or those miserable assholes living an unhealthy, damaging, selfish, globally destructive life!!!

My Blog

spaces reserved for waiting.

Perhaps my role is not that of a teacher of life and lessons. Perhaps my role is what makes my flesh brown.From the inside now. Come from the inside against me now. With a melody borrowed from the ...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:20:00 PST

autumnal brunette

looks like fall in cold boots meant for snow not green grass or suntans the asphalt is barely warm solar warmth a plastic grip on my neck polar eclipse around my hazy eyesight and there is no end in s...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:45:00 PST

Take No Reservation.

Maybe the only thing we can accomplish is in our writing. Hour by hour in sequence and somewhat terrotorial. It is a method of control bordering on catastrophic. I hear engines, airplanes, birds, fish...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 11:10:00 PST


The environments weerase withmighty swords as erasersThe embarrassment wechoose to preserveOr the slipping ofthis planet we observeMiles away, I'm on the beachI'm in a barstool mentalityI'm walking do...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:26:00 PST

Saltine Surfaces for Sextilis.

My nostrils smelt like this one year:A beach blanket on a make-shift beach bedYou lift yr forearm toward you, foldedAnd smell a breeze of seagullsBirds befriended in a V-shaped currentOver the bay of ...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:49:00 PST

Open Up Like A Blister.

No time to reserve to emotion or stimulusI've a heart to love & grow & to learn to love to growand give and support and run-on and onand over and beyond and I will love againand again and gain and los...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:43:00 PST

The nite is a whore.

Body parts maneuver their way across the galaxy of thought. In delirium and worse in dreams. The nite sweats enough to rattle the sheets to the bed's edges. The nite is a whore of a challenge to su...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:44:00 PST

Bear Watching With Bobby.

See men in chocolate decorEmbark on scavenger routes of detourDetail lust, bust, rust, raunchy flexFlex muscle, flex expression, impressOpen saliva spider web ---- no restPress red. over-repressive at...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:14:00 PST

Banks of America.

Big banks aretaking over mymind drop yrwallet in thewater did younotice it wasn'tlike a spongecrooked motherfuckers beatin'hard onstrugglingartists trying toreveal the atrocities thisworld seemsto ---...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:05:00 PST

Leftover Rebellion.

Her beauty suffocatesIncubates misshapen realityCheap renditions danced outIn a fall down play doll fatalityForcing one to think, then sinkTo the ocean floor to meet retrospectionWith bruised knees an...
Posted by Noncompliant Worm. on Sat, 05 May 2007 03:20:00 PST