YOU POSSIBLY!!! Being president of the male chapter of the Naughty Mommies club. Talking smut. I love to play the observer and the delvils advocate. Cable knit turns me on. The teaches of Peaches. I am totaly into eastern forms of healing Ayurveda is my true love. Massage I want to put my hands on everyone. That beautiful valley where the hips meet the waist. Chickens!! Occipitofrontalis it raises your eyebrow and wrinkles your forehead. Wow too much anatomy. So other interests, boys, girls , god, not in that order. My friends, myself, my garden, summer, fun giggles, risoto with truffle oil. Good scents, rose oil, Rumi, the sunset, conversation that will leave me in awe of the universe, and the good sense to forget conversation and who we are. Sadaf my most enduring and patient friend, she always puts up with my tripper ass. Cat for being the wiser and table dancing when it is least appopriate, Codhi for being able to swing from a trapese. That science can now prove that emotions can chage the molecular shape of water. Flabergasting the perfection of the fucked up world we live in. Sad that people dont take care of themselves or of the world around them. Inspired by the people that do!!!
"and i can hear my mother saying, every old sock meets an old shoe isn't that a great saying." kate bush apparently her mother was as brilliant as she is. I would love to meet them both. I will meet anyone in their space as long as they will meet me in mine. Above all the man in all those fucking bedtime stories my mother used to read to me, who will come sweep me off my feet. Where the hell is he? Or some young man with skin like heroine.
Anything that dribbles from the beautiful brain of Kate Bush. There are so many more I can not even begin to tell you.
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I dont think that this box is big enough if it will hold my attention i will read it. I will read anything that has to do with God or people.
I am my own painting, I am my own experiment, I am my own work of art.My heros are usually people with this mentality, when true to their own inner self when they are their own greatest masterpeice humans become something more.