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Tasha Stevens

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***********************************************************C heck out the new Whitesnake Album.It ROCKS!!!!!!************************************************* ************************************************************ *********..************************************************* ********** Check out a softer side of Zakk Wylde in this video. He is doing a duet with his daughter. :) She is probably the only woman who can get away with telling Zakk what to do! lol********************************************************* ** ***********************************************************M y name is Tasha...pronounced Tay'shuh(stress the first syllable). I am originally from Zachary, Louisiana...spent 13 years doing radio in Baton Rouge until Dallas called in March of 2005. I am currently off the air,waiting for that right position to come along. ;)********************************************************** * ************************************************************ **********************************************************A guitar played well is my passion. There are many guitarists whom I love, but Randy Rhoads tops the list. It was more than his playing...it was Randy,the person. Below is an excerpt of an interview he did with Guitar Magazine in which he discussed the guitarists that "He" admired. *********************************************************** Randy Rhoads................I have a lot of influences from everywhere. I like a lot of classical music and blues rock. As far as the classical, I just like it. I think it's a real technical thing. I wouldn't call myself an accomplished classical player at all, though. Again, I never had the patience to go through it. I wish I could be good at it.There are many great players. Eddie Van Halen is great--I don't want to get near competing with people like him. I love Allan Holdsworth's playing. He's got a lot of great jazz scales. Andy Summers of the Police is definitely unique. Pat Metheny does some great acoustic stuff. John McLaughlin is technically great, but his is not one of my favorite styles. Leslie West was very important to me. He has a great feel. He is powerful and moody. I like Earl Klugh. Jeff Beck can do anything--he can play one note and it's great. Ritchie Blackmore was great; I loved his expression. I love B.B. King. I like Michael Schenker's and Steve Lukather's playing a lot. I also like Ronnie Montrose, especially with Edgar Winter. I like the way he bends; I could never bend like that. I liked all the English players in the '70s who used a lot of vibrato.But I don't own any rock guitar albums. I listen to a lot of background music that I don't have to think about. I don't listen to music to achieve anything from it. I just listen to relax and be social. Mostly I like mellow jazz and classical. If I'm out in public, I like to hear blaring load rock, but never in my own house. I can't listen to my own records at home.******************************************************* **** This will make your head hurt.:) Check out the awesome bassist Billy Sheehan with guitar god Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big).******************************************************* ****RUSH's YYZ is a favorite of musicians due to the complexity of the timing. This video is a 12 year old girl on drums. Neil Peart would be proud. :)Some of my favorite tunes.;)
************************************************************ **********************************************************TH IS WILL BE ME WHEN I GET MY MASTERS DEGREE IN HISTORY.;) Sam Kinison - Back to School
..********************************************************** * Seriously...at this time in history...when we tend to rethink our dealings with religious terrorists...remember these words from one of our founding fathers.... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."Thomas Jefferson..................................................F REEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You know,the honest truth is that radio does not pay squat, but it is a fun job...

My Interests

God, Music, Animals, History, Nature...pretty diverse. I chose radio as a career because I love music and I love meeting people. Unlike some in the business, I could care less about the so called "fame" that accompanies being in the public eye...and we all know that the job does not pay anywhere near what people believe. I sometimes wonder why some of the jocks on air chose a profession that focuses on music, when they have no interest or knowledge about the music they play. I like making people laugh, but more than that, I like making them think. I believe the media has conditioned us to sit back and watch without taking part in life itself(see so called reality tv).If I can make someone smile, or inform them of something they care about but were previously unaware, then I have done my job.******************************************************** ***The Most Awesome Band EVER!!!!!! ;)Big Bottoms-Spinal Tap

Add to My Profile | More VideosIn the 80's...the pop stars had "We Are The World"..the Brits had "Don't They Know Its Christmas"...and the headbangers(collectively calling themselves HEAR N AID) had the song below....WE ARE STARS!!!!!!!!!! See how many rockers you can name...its a freakin' Who's Who.(Tasha Tidbits....Vivian Campbell(then with Dio's band) wrote the tune. Even the guys from "Spinal Tap" made an appearance.;)Hear N' Aid - Stars

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80's Rock Rules! Check out Pretty Maids "Future World"!My KZPS Days!Geez...where do I start. I love all kinds of music.I have favorites in every genre and honestly,it would take me days to list them all....but if you must know my passion...it is the rock bands of the 80's.Guitar based rock RULES! I am not ashamed to say that I am a headbanger and that Winger got a bad rap from Beavis and Co. Basically, I love Classic Rock and new rock that has its roots in the greats of yesteryear...specifically...Paul Gilbert of Racer X/Mr. Big is a favorite of mine.....I love all the guitar virtuosos of the 80's...Satriani, Vai, Hoey,Johnson, Becker, Kotzen, Lynch, Zakk, Eddie, Randy, Vandenberg, DeMartini, Hannon,etc. As far as new bands go...Silvertide, Crossfade, Jet, The Darkness, Avenged Sevenfold, Alterbridge, to name a few.....The common trait these new bands have, in my opinion, is a love of guitar.Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you
Fender Strat
You are a Fender Stratocaster. You are the orignal rock and roll guitar.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
How well do you know Iron Maiden?
Maiden Fanatic!
Congradulations! Your are a true Maiden fan, you know your shit. Give yourself a pat on the back for knowing about on of the greatest rock bands on Earth.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


All kinds...here are a few favorites...Spinal Tap, Used Cars, Caddyshack, Say Anything,The Decline of Western Civilization;The Metal Years, Almost Famous, Rockstar,The Usual Suspects, (The John Travolta Collection)Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, Staying Alive, Grease, Michael, Pulp Fiction(Historical)Gone With The Wind, BraveHeart, Elizabeth,The Ten Commandments and all the 80's teen flicks from Valley Girl, to 16 Candles, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Last American Virgin, Hollywood Knights, Less than Zero, All The Right Moves,Flashdance, Fame, Did Roadhouse come out in the 80's? oh well, that one,too.;)
Your Life is Like
.. Say Anything... What John Cusack movie are you?
Your celebrity match is Johnny Depp. You like your men funny and smart.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.comYou are Andie Walsh from Pretty in Pink
You are original and clever person. Although your family may not be able to buy you all the cool stuff you want, you are able to make cool stuff for yourself. Like a rocking 80’s prom dress.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com


CSI, Law and Order(Criminal Intent),City Confidential, Boston Legal, House,Cold Case,The New Adventures of Old Christine, Two and a Half Men...on the weekends, I try not to miss MAD TV...unlike SNL...the folks at MAD TV are NOT PC...and they understand the concept of "getting out on the laugh". I am also addicted to those Clay Cooley Car commercials in Dallas that have all the hootchies acting like The Price is Right chicks. I don't know what the hell they are saying, but I cannot tear myself away...total programming car wreck. lol


I collect them....all kinds on all subjects. Most students sell their books back at the end of the semester in college,whereas I kept mine...lol For day to day reading interests...Historical Biographies,The Bible, anything by Frank E. Peretti, John Grisham...the list goes on and on.


My parents, grandparents and those who defend our country.

My Blog

May 8, 1948

As a Christian, there is a special place in my heart for Israel (for obvious reasons). I truly believe that the only thing saving this country from total ruin is the fact that we support Israel and he...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Thu, 08 May 2008 12:50:00 PST

A Logical look at the harm of excessive immigration (leave your politics at the door).

Plenty of debate exists over Illegal Immigration. This amuses me because there should be no debate, considering the practice is blatantly illegal. I think the issue is further heated due to the sense ...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:36:00 PST

Zakk Wylde was right.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Zakk Wylde while doing afternoons at ROCK 93.7 in Baton Rouge. Keep in mind this was before Guitar Hero made its debut, and guitar driven rock was not getting the at...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 05:34:00 PST


I never dreamed that 3 years to the day that I began working in Dallas, I would be burying one of my best friends. The phone calls that always began.."Helloooooooooo Clarice...are the lambs still cryi...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:50:00 PST

Valentines Day Ugg Love

  My guy is amazing.Why? Because he knows and understands that the way to my heart is through my feet.;) I have had the UGG bug for years. My pseudo pair were fine, but they were not the real de...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:28:00 PST

And Lets Not Forget John McCain!

My brother forwarded this to me today from his friend, Jody, along with the subsequent article...... "This ought to make us feel really good about the "conservative" McCain.  He founds an or...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:04:00 PST

No Need to Steal Secrets...the Govt will Hand Them Over!

fore·sight n. 1. Perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred. 2. Care in providing for the future; prudence. 3. The act of looking forward. Above you will find th...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:17:00 PST

Keep an eye on these guys...

It is all too easy to get wrapped up in the "War on Terror". The danger of doing so is missing threats elsewhere. These two stories caught my eye today. It is days like this when I REALLY miss be...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:41:00 PST

Such a "Peaceful" religion

Violations of 'Islamic teachings' take deadly toll on Iraqi women Story Highlights Crimes against women in Iraq's south have included killings and amputations Police chief: "Two women were killed in...
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 02:26:00 PST

One of "Jena 6" Attacks......AGAIN

I wonder if those claiming racism was behind the so-called "Jena 6" case will have the nads to admit they were wrong. One of their heroes has once again been arrested for assault, this time, in Texas....
Posted by Tasha Stevens on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:43:00 PST