the sun, moon, earth, sky, water, fire, the love that each of us should have for one another but isn't there half the time, our amazing auditory abilities where we can hear pitches and frequencies of all sorts but that discriminate to choose what we want to hear...not what the actual truth is~getting our bodies back to the way they were supposed to to heal any dis-ease so we can all live forever~biking with masses of people~laughing until it really hurts~being with real positive people who have sincere intentions of living peacefully amongst the madness of planet earth.
so if you really see what is happening out there...that we can only overcome if we come together...reach out and teach somebody else. spread the love. for serious. and remember...
M.C. Escher
and your mom.
Hip Hop Congress At U.C. Riverside Presents:
if only music could be playing every second of every minute of every hour of every day.....fall asleep to...
little Amelie Poulain...
and... ...manifest the world baby.
the silliest of sitcoms and cartoons...
...pages and pages circulating right now....The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek...Le Petit Prince en francais...Naked Chocolate by David Wolfe & Shazzie...& my AfAm Psych books are pretty dope too.
my dad. TuBoHieu.
r.i.p.October 31st, 2004