Luddites, Still photography, Book burning parties, Disjointed and spasmatic movement, Ekoarak, Handball, Deliberate miscommunication, Assimilation, History of McCarthyism, Religion, Beating up band geeks, Standing still, McDonald's, Dropping heavy things, Walking on the sidewalk, Anti-aircraft missiles, Spending vacations at home, Destroying alternate communities
People that refuse to learn things the easy way, people that sit around staring into space, people that tell me to stop wasting my time trying to make a difference. I don't have any friends, but I kind of like it that way.
I like all kinds of music. Except that by "like," I really mean "hate."
The Mummy, The Scorpion King, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Clueless, Termintor I, II, III, and IV, White Chicks, Robocop, Bring It On, Better Than Chocolate, But I'm A Cheerleader, oh yeah and I hate foreign films. Why can't they just speak American?
I have a 500 inch HDTV. I call it my shrine to the gods of television. I worship at it daily, no, hourly. I watch anything and everything, but my favorite shows are Elimidate, The Fifth Wheel, Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Trial By Jury, Law & Order: Town Hall, Real World, Girls Behaving Badly, Farscape, Lexx, CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI:NY, Road Rules, Amish In the City, Xena Warrior Princess, Queer Eye For the Straight Girl, Fear Factor, All My Children, General Hospital, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Family Guy, I Love the 70s, I Love the 80s, I Love the 90s, I Love the 3030s, Extreme Makeover, and the TV Guide Channel.
I didn't read books until the Harry Potter series came out. Oh, wait, I still don't read books.
my bartender, Pam Grier