French Poop profile picture

French Poop

I am the French Poop of Bel Air!

About Me

Be sure to go visit

Just click on to go there.
" "
As my friendes see me:
Please subscribe to or at least then read my blog. Every time I now post the bulletine, I will put in the blog too. So no missed bulletines. And go now to read the bulletines, I put them all on, scroll back for today and the last few days.Click as such. And tell your friendes to subscribe too if they like!Click to subsribe.Or just go click in the above blog and read up. Thank you and love from F.P.!
Can you help out FP? When you comment-vouz on youre friends, please copy and paste the below into the comment. I like new friends and will make you my top 8 if you bring new ones! MERCI!
You could talk to French Poop all day long like I do.

click the picture to view his wonderful profile.

or click that button and add him right away!
(new subject now:)
I am so being happy on this day. Now you can get a stamp for the US mail with my picture on it. It is the real postage. Now the French Poop can be travelling all over the land on your mail !! Click here or on the picture to be ordering for your own stamps of the mail.
Wouldn't you like to see your picture on the top of the French Poop Page?
Just click here and get one of our fine shirts or hats and take your picture wearing it! Send it to me by message or email and I will post it here or on my web page. You will be the most famous and your friends will be so jealous !!
Click in the above to go PLAY with French Poop. Did you know I can fly?
Did you yet take a visit to ?
Come on...
Are you yet wearing me?
Did you see the craze that is on the high way now?
DId you see the people of TV fame who are having the tattoo placed on their arms and even backs?
Did you see how nice my friends are to me?
Hey - whose that guy?
GET THE FRENCH POOP SCREEN SAVER HERE! Here is what the people are saying abou tit:
"Man French Poop, this screen saver really rocks my world! hehehe..." - Carly
" its really pretty!!" - Be Crazy
" thankyou for completing mylife with the amazing screen saver, its the best thing ever! " - Nicole
"The French Poop screensaver is my reason for living. Without it, I would not be the same person I am. The French Poop screensaver kicks your mom's ass!" - lyzz
Click on those names and ask if you do not believe. Right-click on the file once downloaded and then selecte "Install."
Oh no. I think I did drink too much of the funny Cool-Ade. But Grande Mom, she can always help.
I specialize in l'amour and I bake a mean, long loaf of crispy bread.
I would like to accompani every place with you, my friend, in a proud way.
I am the friend completing who everyone's friend list! Every person want to be friends with "French Poop."

My Interests

Come see all things a la francais at !

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who would like to be friends with a friendly and attractive piece of poop.

Would any man and woman like to meet my friend very best, Le Sporty Poop?

FP makes it a job of pleasure to keep up with all of the so many wonderful friends! You see, I give comments and send love mail when I see the new ones come in, but please understand that it can be a lost person on the page 53 of 79 pages of the friends!!! Do you see I have up of 3,000 FP lovers? I am the lucky one to have so many friends.

If that you are not get enough attention from FP, just TELL! You may click to send mail.

I try so hard. And my WWW PAGE, click it is to get better each day, so please check it!

Would YOU like to be the friend of feature on my WWW page? Then just tell! Or feature band?

My friends, they are the best friends in all the world. I am so lucky.

Now, you could please help French Poop to find more friends since I am needing some love. Please copy and past the following block of code any where on your home page, and I will be forever then grateful! I would like to meet your friends, you know. MERCI!

Here is one of my favorite friends.

click the picture to view his awesome profile.

or click that button and add him right away.

And if that you would like me to send you a photo of me and you to put in this piece of code, I will do it! Just say so and you will have something pretty on your page as well as helping F.P. stay happy. It will look a littles like thise:


CLICKE TO HEAR ME SING OF THE FOOD.Yes, they gave us food that was not the best cuisine, fruit that was not fresh, what do you call the pastry, cobbler of fruit, the peches.Clicke on the fruite to hear of me singing. Do you like the musicale training I received while in Mexico?


Every one of the friends on the list of mine. Especially those who wear me on their chest, see here: But... Sometimes I get the feeling that my friends, they are maybe to talking about me behind my back.

| Click to be the inspector.

Some people have asked where to get a Poopy T-shirt. There is an assortment huge of many colors. Just to click right there!

Click for to meet my good friend:

My Blog

I am now famouse in the world blogs!

See your friend F.P. being talked over on the blogs of the world!And you knew of me when not of the famouse yet!
Posted by French Poop on Thu, 31 May 2007 05:07:00 PST

Many Many Words for Poop!

My good friende Elyse sent me this list to help me with the many differente names they are calling "poop" all over the world. Maybe this will help me to understand the English language better.Merci be...
Posted by French Poop on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:28:00 PST

Did you see? F.P. is in the news paper today!!!

Posted by French Poop on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 04:50:00 PST

I am now the famous modele for the Wee-Man's skateboards!

Please see my good friende, the famous Wee-Man, star of the movies and TV, who has a shop with wonder full skateboards and tee-shirtes et cetera. So add my nice friende Wee-Man.  Then commente h...
Posted by French Poop on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

I see who is visiting me, right on the map!

Please go to my profile and then clicke then on the small map to make bigger.You will see the last 50 of the visitors to French Poop, where they come from! Maybe one will be of your self!Happy clickin...
Posted by French Poop on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:10:00 PST

The French Poop wants to speak of some things to you!

Three things - first, the thanks for being the old OR new friend of French Poop! F.P. loves each one of you like the brother or the sister.Now look at the beauty full shirte that one of the friends i...
Posted by French Poop on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:16:00 PST

My fans are the beste

Fan art:
Posted by French Poop on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:11:00 PST

Did you know that I was just of star in the movies??

Why oh why, did that my footage wind up on the cutting room floore? Good times they were, though, any of way.
Posted by French Poop on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 09:03:00 PST

My week ende at the sk8te bowl

What have my friendes been doing of the week ende? My ami Frank was at the skate bowl with my self. Me, the newe sk8-R.Do not forgete to hear of my concerte singing.  You see us belowe and you ...
Posted by French Poop on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:02:00 PST

French Poop is very very angry at the (mine commentes!)

The myspace has eaten the commentes. I did theapproval for dozens of the commentes, the most funny and entertaine that ever received!I was to put a bulletine out asking my friendes to view the commen...
Posted by French Poop on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:26:00 PST