MUTANT profile picture


Petrol powered piston punch!

About Me

Check out Mutant news and information at the UK Thrash site by clicking here !
Mutant was created in a lab in West London, December 2004. After the creature replaced various parts of itself to make it faster and stronger it was ready to start its attack...
With the legs and feet of drummer, Josh Luchtenstein it had the power and speed to smite at a ridiculous pace. The torso of bass player, Raging Paul Fulda provided the beast with gut wrenching tremors that would sound death for its enemies. The hands and arms of guitarist, Sam Klempner allowed the monster to strike masterfully with nerve shredding precision. The cranium of singer and guitarist, Tom Luchtenstein gave the abomination the power to blast forth with psychotic forces.
After recording it's tortured sounds and forcing onlookers around the UK to kill each other in its presence it hunts for more victims so that it may spread its message of energetic madness across the globe!

Those wanting to contact Mutant should email the Artificial Mutant Information Cranium at this address:

[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 10/9/2005
Band Website: You're here doofus
Band Members:
TOM LUCHTENSTEIN - Vocals, guitars

JOSH L - Hypercussion

SAM KLEMPNER - Backing vocals, guitars

RAGING PAUL FULDA - Backing vocals, bass
Influences: Heavy metal
Video game music
Sounds Like: Speed from the future!
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Some news!

OK, A bit of bad news, instead of the EP being recorded in May its being pushed back to early July, a blessing in disguise really as Josh has had a little trouble with Repetitive Strain Injury so this...
Posted by MUTANT on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:27:00 PST

Back to the Lab

OK! Back from the Megadeth/Evile tour and feeling insane! Evile DESTROYED, those guys fucking rip! That was one crazy trip, got lots of thinking done about Mutant and some fresh new energy.The plan is...
Posted by MUTANT on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:52:00 PST

Mutant Featured on Earache Records Thrashing Like A Maniac Compilation

The track 'Psycho Surgery' (recorded in 2007 with producer Scott Atkins) is featured on on the new Earache compilation along with many of the new thrash bands that have appeared around the globe. You ...
Posted by MUTANT on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 04:53:00 PST


This message goes to everyone who likes heavy metal and rock music. Whether its grindcore, thrash, death, black, heavy, gore, doom or whatever, this message is for YOU. Its a call to arms in the hope ...
Posted by MUTANT on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 12:17:00 PST