The HEARERS profile picture


don't make the captain cry

About Me

"Talk about pulling it together. With a core member who lives in California (Marc Tweed) and six or so backing players in addition to the two other founders (David Moore and Darren Welch) all with schedules of their own it's a wonder that this second record from Kansas City's the Hearers ever happened. Don't Make the Captain Cry is itself a wonder. If the hippies borrowed country in the late '60s, then the Hearers have placed it in the hands of the alternative avant-garde, who though well acquainted with mandolins, pedal steel and lilting melodies are just as likely to growl, spin out ambient noise textures or just leave the space empty as try anything resembling a popular song. For those with long attention spans who are willing to indulge experimentation, Cry is the most interesting listen of the year." Jason Harper, Pitch Weekly, 1/06WEST COAST TOUR IN LATE JUNE! The new album is available at

My Interests


Member Since: 10/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: David Moore, Darren Welch, Marc Tweed, Chris Braun, Jay Kakert, Jeff Doom, Eric mardis, Rob Veitch, Mike Walker & Zimlam I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Record Label: Anodyne Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Been Too Long

Well, this is a long overdue report on the location and psychological status of The Hearers. Our new release, "Flowers and Flames", has been available for a few months although we haven’t made a...
Posted by The HEARERS on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:31:00 PST

Status equals FORWARD MARCH

Hello all. We'll be playing in Austin,TX at the SxSW Anodyne Records showcase/day party March 15th at the Parish. It's a free show w/ giveaways and we'll be playing with such mindbending luminaries as...
Posted by The HEARERS on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST

The Hearers - Hindenburg Tour 2006

Well, we're all home from an appropriately insane week of shows on the west coast. Doom & I are back in Cali and the rest of the boys are in KC now. I think we're all kinda heartbroken that it's o...
Posted by The HEARERS on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 04:26:00 PST