adopt your own!I love fall - Winter&Snow - snowboarding! Drawing is Definately one way for me to stay creative, even though I am not the greatest artist - its still one of my main outlets. Besides that I mess around with the guitar/bass & drums when I get time. I am always up for the company of the truth- bring it if ya got it -
Great persons . People with passions or dreams the ambitous ones who have drive and stay motivated are actually living life. Those are the people I like to keep close. No one is perfect , but shooting towards a life you want to live cant possibly be all that bad. So that is what I am always after. I am patient and I cant hold useless grudges, so I give everything its fair try.
I listen, but I wont list them. Its like an award presentation speech & I wouldn't put You through that.
I can & do appreciate any and all good movies ,but more often than not I am always after a comedy. I think they give you the best post movie feelings. They just make me feel young again since they arent all sinserious. And I never wanted to grow old.
SHOW Me a good time
dont readmember reading all that muchADHD~Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorderreference;
I am Your daily Local H}{E}{R}{o}