1349, Abigor, Abigail, Abruptum, Arcturus, Alien Sex Fiend, All Gone Dead, Ausgang, Blutengel, Black Funeral, Bathory, Belfagor, Behemoth, Bloodbath, Burzum, Bauhaus, Cradle Of Filth, Clan Of Xymox, Chants Of Maldoror, Combchrist, Carpathian Forest, Christian Death, Countess, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funereal, Dark Tranquillity, Dark Throne, Dream Theater, Depeche Mode, Dope Star Inc., Devil Doll, Diabolical Masquerade, Echo and the Bunnymen, Editors, Him, Hecate Enthroned, Fintroll, Funereal Dusk, Gothminister, Gorgoroth, Hanzel Und Gretyl, Hecate Enthroned, Ildjarn, Ikon, Immortal, Iron Maiden, Impaled Nazarene, Judas Iscariot, Joy Division, Katharsis, Lord Vampyr, London After Midnight, Le Vene Di Lucretia, Marduk, Mayhem, Moortis, Moi Dix Mois, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Metallica(old), Mortiis, Manowar, Necrodeath, Nightwish, Pantera, Rammstein, Suspiria, Slayer, Sepultura (old), Satyricon, Soft Cell, Theatres Des Vampires, The 69 eyes, Theatre of Tragedy, Tristania, The Prodigy, The Cure, Placebo, Public Image, Virgin Prunes, Wumpscut, Within Temptation, Velvet Acid Christ, Void of Silence, Virgin Prunes and others I don't have balls to write...
Horror, Esoteric, Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi films, Splatters...