Shopping, karaoke, pretending to know how to bowl, reading, hanging out with my friends, eating, wanna-be fashion model, cleaning my apaato!
Thanks Nick for the great birthday cake! But did you
really have to wake me up at midnight?
Geez I musta looked awful!
I'd like to meet:
Read and comment on my old blogs!
* hmm.. good news and bad news?
* i'm back, but ...meh
* hiatus...
* anyone want to take me on in Fantasy Football?
* i may regret this... but what would you do with a stacy clone?
* my legs ache... out of shape
* countdown to kickoff!
* the grass is always greener...
* monday musings
* Favorite color of pantyhose?
* Why can't you be real with me?
* Updated Layout
* Let the games begin!
* You be the judge... pantyhose or not?
* Pantyhose, pantyhose, pantyhose!
* Guys in... pantyhose??
Please support Akira Lane and her girls at PANTYHOSELANE.COM
hey! why not add a cool stacy banner to your myspace page? here it is!
Masao-chan & Koji-chan! Ahh we had so much fun! hope to see you in japan later! who would have thought that hiro had cool nephews!=P
Hiro sempai!! You'll always be my Hiro!! hahaha..... much love to ya!