Anime, Cars, Computers, VideoGames, drawing uhh... Oh yeah, ANIME!
aim sn - Takumi 4AGE
Who I'd like to meet??....I have no idea who I want to meet really....OH OH I know!! People I added or added me as friends?? Sounds good to me!!
Music...uhh Alternative,Rock, some JPOP...yeah damn right jpop! , hip-hop [select few if i can even name some ] and anything else that sounds good to me.
Too many to list....But heres some pictures lol
Grand Canyon Pics!
This little guy stole a beef jerky from me!
Dhara's Bday!
Pete's Bday!
-Man vs Wild-
-The Kill Point-
Anything on the speed channel....
'cept Nascar, yuck lol
Books....I haven't read too many of these at magazines and instruction manuals count?
Get it...har har lol