I used to use this web site basically to blog about my experiences with hosiery, good news about hosiery, and any thoughts about hosiery. I no longer blog about my experiences, because I tend to go out less, and even when I do go out, the experiences tend to be uneventful. I'll start up a new blog in the future, if I start blogging about my experiences.
When I write, "hosiery", I also include pantyhose and tights. I sometimes include stockings and knee highs.
I notice that many women wear it where I live, in the Metro Vancouver regional district. However, I'd like to see more women wear it more often. It would be great if men and women would wear it for all seasons.
I haven't been using Twitter lately, but when I do, you can receive small updates via SMS, or email.
How To Contact MeI love getting text messages on my phone, so you are welcome to send me 1, as often as you'd like, always for free, using the form below. You don't need to use your real phone number, unless you want me to contact you. I'd prefer to email you, though, unless you prefer to receive text messages. In that case, I'd prefer to text message you.
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OnlineTextMessage.com My hosiery goals:
- come up with 2 more outfits that work well with hosieryfind groups where I can wear shorts & hosiery consistently
I enjoy getting feedback on my photos. There are so many to choose from, and it would take only 1 photo comment from you to make me happy. :^)