my cone buddy profile picture

my cone buddy

that's b-u-d-d-y NOT b-o-d-y... geez!

About Me

Jan 2007 update:my cone buddy is currently only 2 guys: Ben & Jerry - yeah, kinda like the ice cream brand, pun intended. we won't be doing any shows for a while, I guess. we are recording stuff from time to time, for example we are currently mixing 2 songs for a lemonheads tribute website. so people, keep your hopes up, maybe this year will see the release of a debut LP. yup, 10 years in the making, and counting. lol********************************************************* ***** my cone buddy is a band based in quebec city, canada. i guess you could call us a punk rock band, or an indie-rock band, or whatever - you just figure it out. we have a cd out (complete discography) which consists of all the demos and songs recorded between 1997 and 2000. we are planning on releasing some new songs hopefully before the spring of 2006. we'd be interested in playing gigs with other bands anytime and almost anywhere... so contact us : ... stay tuned for more infos and song cone buddy est un groupe basé à québec, au canada. vous pouvez nous appeller punk rock, ou indie-rock, ou peu importe - à vous de décider. nous avons un cd disponible (complete discography) incluant toutes les chansons enregistrées entre 1997 et 2000. nous espérons sortir des nouvelles tunes d'ici le printemps 2006. nous serions intéressés à faire des shows avec d'autres groupes n'importe quand et presque n'importe où... alors contactez-nous : ... restez branchez pour plus d'infos et de mp3s...***************************************************** *********

My Interests


Member Since: 10/3/2005
Band Website: you are looking at it
Band Members: 2 actual members. 5 former I said 'member'
Influences: dinosaur jr, husker du, ALL/descendents, lemonheads, doughboys, down by law, eric's trip, buffalo tom, chemical people, 7seconds, the list goes on and on...
Sounds Like: this
Type of Label: None

My Blog

MxCxBx news flash

Hey everyone, rumor has it that Ben and Jerry started rehearsing together again. That's right! Seems like they could - at last ! - afford some time to get together and rock it out, with plans to...
Posted by my cone buddy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:15:00 PST