Digging Pitt Gallery
4417 Butler Street
Digging Pitt Too
45th and Plummer Streets
Pittsburgh PA 15201
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Special events at the gallery are listed on the calendar.
Opening: September 8, 6-9PM
Conceived Bully - Side I
The raw installment and tough works of urban design. Featuring the works of --EVIL DESIGN - Boston MA
I've heard some of the kids talkin' on the bus an' I just wanna set the record straight. Evil Design is not a band of Blood Sucking Son-Of-A-Guns that like to make babies cry, they're just some kids that like to draw pictures is all.
ExperiBreed - NYC/PGH
Cultures come and cultures go. Some we remember and some we don't know.
MAGMO - The Destroyer - Rhode Island
Magmo is here to help. Magmo is here to destroy.
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Same Frequency - Side II
An exhibit of paintings and mixed media works by three very different artists...who are nonetheless on the Same Frequency.
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Jean McClung - Mixed media on Paper and Illuminated Sculptures.
Sherry Rusinack - Mixed Media on Canvas
ExperiBreed @Digging Pitt Too
In his exhibit at Digging Pitt Too, JC one will present works from ExperiBreed, his most recent cycle of expression. Join us in September in welcoming JC one to the walls at Digging Pitt Too.More information
Digging Pitt
Digging Pittsburgh Arts
Digging Pitt, MySpace
I edited my profile at MySpaceSupport.com , check out these Myspace Layouts !