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About Me

ASSALTO ROYALE nasce da un'idea di due prolifici ed esperti produttori della scena italiana: Michele Ranauro aka "DE MAESTRO" aka "Syncopator" (Casino Royale) e Walter Buonanno aka BONNOT (Assalti Frontali).DeMaestro ha collaborato come pianista/compositore/arrangiatore/produttore/remixer con: Casino Royale, Dizzy Gillespie, Tony Scott Quintet, Amalia Grè, Jovanotti, Dj Gruff, Bulletz, Ornella Vanoni, Fabio Morgera, Biagio Antonacci, Articolo 31 & more... Vari spot televisivi e colonne sonore... Diploma di pianoforte al conservatorio di Bari. Diploma al Berklee College of Music , Boston(Bachelor Degree). Vincitore nel 2002/2003 del concorso Disel-U-Music, sezione elettronica “Forthcoming Drum and Bass producer” .Bonnot ha collaborato come musicista/compositore/arrangiatore/produttore con: Assalti Frontali, Colle der Fomento, Inoki, Dj Gruff, Esa, Dj Skizo & Dj Tayone (Bungalow Zen), Zubz (from South Africa), Tino Tracanna (from Paolo Fresu Quintet), Arpioni Ska Band, The Orobians, Sovversione & more... Studia al conservatorio di Milano contrabbasso e musica elettronica-tecnologia del suono. Ha composto e prodotto le musiche dello spettacolo teatrale "Odio gli Indifferenti" di Loredana Cannata. Ha ricevuto il premio S.i.a.e. come "Miglior Compositore Italiano Indipendente 2005/2006" per il disco "Mi sa che stanotte..." degli Assalti Frontali, disco che ha vinto anche il premio P.I.M.I. (Premio italiano musica indipendente) al M.E.I. come Miglior Album dell'anno. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- The ASSALTO ROYALE project idea was conceived by two prolific and skilled producers of the present-day Italian music world: Michele Ranauro – also known either as De Maestro or the Syncopator (Casino Royale); and Walter Buonanno, nicknamed Bonnot (member of the reknowned Italian hip-hop music band, the Assalti Frontali, since 2005).As of 1991 De Maestro has worked as a pianist, composer, arranger, producer, and remixer in collaboration with big names of the international music world like: Casino Royale, Dizzy Gillespie, The Tony Scott Quintet, Amalia Grè, Jovanotti, Dj Gruff, Bulletz, Ornella Vanoni, Fabio Morgera, Biagio Antonacci, The Articolo 31, etc. He has been carrying out TV spots and soundtracks. In 1992 he obtained a diploma in piano at the Conservatorio di Musica “N. Piccinni” di Bari, Italy. The following year he took a bachelor degree at the “Berklee College of Music”, Boston. He won the 2002/2003 Diesel-U-Musical Contest, electronic music section, as the “forthcoming drum and bass producer”.Beginning from 2003 Bonnot has worked as a musician, composer, arranger, and producer together with the following world-famous artists: Assalti Frontali, Colle der Fomento, Inoki, Dj Gruff, Esa, Dj Skizo & Dj Tayone (Bungalow Zen), Zubz (from South Africa), Tino Tracanna (from The Paolo Fresu Quintet), The Arpioni Ska Band, The Orobians, Sovversione, etc. He has been studying further double bass/contrabass, electronic music and sound technology at the Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi” di Milano, Italy. In 2007 he composed the incidental music of the theatrical performance “Odio gli indifferenti”, by Loredana Cannata. He was awarded the Società Italiana degli Autori e Editori (S.i.a.e.) Prize as the best independent Italian music composer for the period 2005/2006, thanks to the album entitled “Mi sa che stanotte..” by the Assalti Frontali. This album has also won the Italian Prize for Independent Music at the Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti as the best music album of the year.(Thank you Monica! :-) )

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2008
Band Members: Michele Ranauro aka DE MAESTRO ---- Walter Buonanno aka BONNOT--------- Davide Zetti aka DR. GONZO --------------------------------------"ASSALTO ROYALE LAUNCHES THE NASTY PULSE NIGHT!!!"---

Influences: Daft Punk, Noisia, BSE, Pendulum, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Groove Armada, Casino Royale, Assalti Frontali...
Dj Micron collabora con Assalto Royale nella ricerca dei suoni. Logo by Doctor Gonzo!
Sounds Like: Daft Punk, Noisia, BSE, Pendulum, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Groove Armada, Casino Royale, Assalti Frontali...ASSALTO ROYALE JAM

Aggiungi al mio profilo | altri VideoBONNOT (ASSALTI FRONTALI)- JAM in STUDIO + LIVE

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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie