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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a wildlife artist by profession, a wife, and a Mom - I've a wonderful husband, and two great boys who keep me very busy. I'm a history nut, and a music nut. Really the two go together beautifully when you think about it. Currently trying to dig up information on the MacClure's of my family, from Ulster, and before that probably from Galloway/Ayrshire. Love music, especially traditional - need to have it playing often, especially when I'm working. Born and raised in the great state of Alaska. Very involved in Boy Scouts with my sons, and enjoy being active and busy, ALWAYS up for trying something new. You can't do everything, but you can sure have a great time trying!

Schedule - Art Shows & Exhibitions
Dec 22 - Solo show and demonstrations, Der Tier Shoppe , Leavenworth, WA Jan 25, 26, 27, 2008- 3rd Annual Good Earth Home Show , Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene Oregon March 15-16 2008- Feather-painting demonstrations, at Fusions Gallery in Ocean Shores, WA.April 11 - 13 2008- Feather-painting demonstrations and exhibition at Ocean Shores annual Art and Photography Show in Ocean Shores, WA.April 17 - 20, 2008 -Puyallup Spring Fair. I will be exhibiting in the Fred Oldfield Western Heritage Center, just inside the Red Gate on the fairgrounds. May 17, 2008 - Penn Cove Water Festival (First Nations event) Coupeville, on Whidbey Island WAMay 24 - 25, 2008 - Feather-painting demos at Fusions Gallery in Ocean Shores, WA June 14-15, 2008 - Pacific Northwest Wildlife & Western Art Show, Enumclaw, WAAug 9-10, 200845th Annual Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival Coupeville, WA Aug 15-17, 2008Westport Art Festival. Westport, WA Sept 26-28, 2008 Northwest Trek Wildlife Art Show Eatonville, WASept 5, 6, 7 2008: Ocean Shores Art Festival . Ocean Shores, WASept 5-21, 2008 Puyallup Fair , at the Fred Oldfield Western Heritage CenterOct 4-5, 2008 4th Annual Fort Worden Wildlife Art Expo , Port Townsend, WAOct 10-12, 2008Fred Oldfield's "Celebrate Western and Wildlife Art" Exhibition - Puyallup Fairgrounds, WAOct 31-Nov 2, 2008East Pierce County Open Studio Tour, at Lucas Art in Graham, WA....more to come!

Just to show... not all of my wildlife paintings are serious! ;P
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My Interests

art, animals, Boy Scouts of America, Order of the Arrow, wildlife, the great outdoors, hiking/hill walking, camping, horseback riding, fishing, good Celtic music, classical music, Northwest Coast Native art,... and way more than I'm going to list here.

I'd like to meet:

..New friends, artists, music enthusiasts, wildlife and outdoors enthusiasts. Folks with a broad range of interests. Real folk, interesting folk, people who might enjoy developing a friendship.


I like most music! I do lean towards Celtic, good Irish and Scots - Clancy's, Gaelic Storm, Daimh, Irish Tenors, Wicked Tinkers, the Pogues, the Dubliners, Clannad, Tempest, Tannahill Weavers, Old Blind Dogs, Runrig, etc.
BBC Scotland's Robbie Shepherd!
Take the Floor , Reel Blend
Click the link for some great internet radio - live!


I'm not limited by genre - whatever's good!


Jekyll, Ghost Whisperer, Dirty Jobs, Supernatural, Monarch of the Glen, CSI. When I've got the time!


nonfiction, how-to and DIY, and the occasional good fiction.


I've many.

My Blog

For the Love of Music, Friendship, and Combolins

Those of you who follow Celtic music - particularly those of you who follow Scots-Celtic music - undoubtedly you know who the Corries were.  But how many are familiar with the name David Sinton?&...
Posted by Julie on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 02:21:00 PST

show change

Hate to do it, but there's going to be a show change for me later this summer.  With fuel costs skyrocketing (and no end in sight), it just makes more prudent sense to keep things a little closer...
Posted by Julie on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:24:00 PST

US artists and Copyright

I've been following this matter of a possible new copyright law, as I'm sure some of you have.  If it does pass, it's going to be a free-for-all with internet images of artwork.  There are a...
Posted by Julie on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:25:00 PST

The Internet is a Wonderous Thing

There is no doubt about it - where would the individual artist be without the internet?  We have the amazing ability to show our work to people literally around the world - we never had such an o...
Posted by Julie on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:57:00 PST

Three great videos NW Native videos

These three short videos were produced by talented  Richard Krentz, a renowned Coast Salish carver from Campbell River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.  They’re well done, and he h...
Posted by Julie on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:12:00 PST

The BOOK is nearly done!

I've just been sent the first go-round in "artist proof" for my page in the upcoming coffee table book, Artists of the West.  This is a second edition, the first being "Northwest Artists", which ...
Posted by Julie on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:34:00 PST

Is it Spring yet?

Holy smokes, I can't believe the amazing wet winter we've had - rain, snow, snow, and more rain.  And it's not been limited to western WA, either.  Friends and family on Quadra Island in BC ...
Posted by Julie on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:47:00 PST

Another gem from Art Print Issues

Barney Davey has another great post in his Blog, Art Print Issues.  This time it's a repost from Roy H. Williams on consumers and changing society.  Have you noticed any of these trends?&nbs...
Posted by Julie on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:40:00 PST

Thinking Outside the Box

Well, it's begun.  I told many of my artist friends last fall to buckle up in 2008, for it's going to be a bumpy ride.  Many did not believe me.  I know from last time around that elect...
Posted by Julie on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:42:00 PST

Ramping it up

I'm determined to get better at detail and depiction this year.  When I first started painting feathers, oh about 17 years ago, nobody else did that.  It was original, and the market was wid...
Posted by Julie on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 07:58:00 PST