Myspace Layouts at / Beach Vacation
My daugher Emma has suggested that I fill in my profile on My Space!! One Day At A Time I am learing to live life on lifes terms and accept whatever comes my way but this is not always easy. I was born on Rathlin Island on 18 August 1952. I attended St Mary's Primary School, Rathlin Island. After three years of being at Technical College in Ballycastle and doing well in my Secretarial Course I went back to Rathlin to work in my brother Thomas's Grocery Store; got married to Neil (a native islander) in 1974; had my three daughters and then in 1981 I took over as Postmistress on Rathlin until 23 June 1999. When I lost my oldest brother Vincent to the cruel sea on 21 January 1983 I never expected to lose my brother Thomas in a tragic diving accident on 21st September 1997. Due to these circumstances and health problems I have been living part-time on the mainland in Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. Fortunately it did not take me long to adjust from my island lifestyle to the hustle and bustle of the mainland. One thing I certainly do not miss is making the ferry journey across the sea to the mainland to shop or in my case keep appointments. My life has completely changed since 1997 and for the first time I am enjoying my new life with my husband and family. At present I work in Asda Coleraine and really enjoy my job. It is so good to be back at work again.