Hello we are Jam!
gelatinous, sweet food prepared by preserving fresh fruits, throng: press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the auditorium"We are the dogs at putting on live music nights! SOOOO Dont be a doughnut and get yourselves daaaaaaaan there!From the team who did that riotous night from that over venue....we bring to you...Jam, EVERY TUESDAY @ Bar Escape.....Cheap drinks. Just Awesome Music. Live DJs - Bands and performances. Free Sweets. Free Pegs... thats right kids.. PEGS! JAMPACKED.All this for £2 entry.....and because we like students....£1 NUS!!If you are a musical performer.. performer.. or sorceror of some description and you would like to play.. act.. re-act.. or contract! Contact us and we shall see what arrangements we can come up with!The Jammy Riddler xX
This video is The Falzones Tour Diary....at JAM!