SHADOWPLAY profile picture


I am a Man, a Machine

About Me

Shadoplay at Godiva '08

Shadowplay at Godiva '08 (2)

one of us is loud and annoying and jumps around a lot to cover up his appalling guitar playing. another is sensible and books us gigs and plays drums and keeps things in perspective. the other is just plain badass. he plays bass.

we are shadowplay

come to a show and say hello!

BANNER!HERE YOU ARE be sure to add one of these img src=" dowplayyeahhh.jpg"

My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: David (the Punisher (hey, if Josh gets to be bullet proof)) Butler- Vox, Guitar, Piano, Effects, Samples, Programming, Synth

Mark Linton- Bass, Effects, Glockenspiel

Josh (Bulletproof) Jones- Drums, Synth, Effects, Sampling, Programming
Influences: Radiohead
Bloc Party
The Cooper Temple Clause
Hot Chip
Snow Patrol
Patrick Wolf
Sounds Like: High energy, spacey, electronica-y rock

"like Matt Bellamy cross dressing as Brian Moloko whilst lecturing Bloc Party on how they shud stick to writing tunes like banquet rather than pissing about with songs about waiting for trains"

Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog


thanks to everyone who came and voted for us yesterday, was very close, with all the bands being fantastic and all, we realy werent expecting to go through.thank you specifically to:SamParentsEllenRos...
Posted by SHADOWPLAY on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:35:00 PST


stekcopkcip//pickpocketsGive me something i'm afraid ofgive me something i've not hadbeforegive me something i'm afraid ofGive me something you're afraid of give me something  you've not hadbefor...
Posted by SHADOWPLAY on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 08:50:00 PST

a can of worms

everybody's putting this togetherwe'd planned it all right from the startnow everybody's getting this togetherfor that one night which'll change our livesAnd my death won't save you nownot for ounces ...
Posted by SHADOWPLAY on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:45:00 PST

April 7th tabs

We got asked... Ther'll probably be more coming now. If i can be bothered, these things are a fucking mission. Intro E----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------...
Posted by SHADOWPLAY on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 08:23:00 PST