raDioHead. moRRiSSey. jazz-swing-bLues. VintaGe cLotheS. WhiTe CoAt. poP-aRt. yuMMy foods. piAno.
mY heRoEs. my favourite bands.mrS.Audrey HePbuRn.
RadioHead.moRRiSSey.BeatLes.tHe dooRs.cHopin.Led zeppeLin.dasHboaRd coNfessionaL.duran-duran.New oRder.Joy diViSion.deatH caB for cutiE.tHe daRkness.tHe stRokes.ratm.ToRi aMos.sMashing puMpkins.muse.kuLa sHaker.tHe veRve.maNic stReet pRetchers.JaNis ChoPlin.tHe hiveS.The KiLLers.the sMiths.mAndo diAo.iNterpoL.aRctic monkeys.jiMMy eAt woRLd. NiNe iNch NaiLs.fLoaT.saOsin.sean lennon.we are scientiStS.SoRe.maRk RoNsoN.posTal SeRvice. JaZZ : BiLL eVanS.MaRcuS MiLLer.eLLa FiTzgerald.BiLLy HoLidaY.HaRRy coNNick jR.jaMie cuLLum.Nat King CoLe. ManfRedo feSt.nOuVeLLe VaGue.eLiza LumLey.
bReakfast in tiffaNys.bRuce aLmighty.kill Bill.LOTR.PuLp fiCtion.the goDfatHer I-III.Almost Famous.Pirrates of CarraBian.Lock sTock aNd two sMoking Barrel.goD muSt be cRazy.pRime.DoNNy bRasCo. breakfaSt in plutO.LittLe miss Sunshine.mY suPeR exgiRLfRiend.aLL soFia coPPola`s moVieS. naMe is KiM Sam Soon.aLL mediCaL draMa SerieS(Grey's anatomy, Nip Tuck, House, ScruBs).tHat 70`s SHow.fuLL hoUse.
totto-cHan. Omerta and Sissilia by Mario Puzo. the alchemist. perfume. tHe hoBBit. BlacKjack.