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Darth Awesome

I seek the thrill of thrilling thrills.

About Me

I'm a sophisticated, educated, punctuated man about town. The town is not so sophisticated, educated, or innoculated, so I rise to the top like bubbles in my pop. Ladies call me handsome when I slam evil like the Phantom. Check it. Dawg. Or whatnot.

My Interests

2.9% APR

I'd like to meet:

John Lennon. But he's too dead for that.


U2, TMBG, INXS, Danny Elfman, Carter Burwell, OMWF, Lords of Acid, Siouxie, CCR, Sam Cooke, Wilson Pickett, Beatles, Big Daddy, Alan Thicke, old school John Williams


Blues Brothers, Raising Arizona, Heavenly Creatures, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Die Hard, Hudsucker Proxy, Wet Hot American Summer, Waiting for Guffman, Top Secret, Saturday the 14th, Mansquito, Vacation, Ferris Beuller, Halloween, Alone in the Dark, Superfuzz


Arrested Development, Scrubs, Weeds, It's Always Sunny, Lost, Office, My Name is Earl, Trailer Park Boys, Buffy, Firefly, Deadwood, Oz, Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Soap, Newsradio, Quantum Leap, Cheers, and a plethora of other boxed sets.


Commisioner Gordon, Robert Rodriguez, Barth Gimble, the guy who invented the deep frier

My Blog

Scary spam

I just got a veery unnerving email.It said "Get hung like nobody else."At first I thought it was just another "enlargement" email from a Canadian pharmacy, which, as a tangent, makes me wonder if that...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:40:00 PST

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones and the Damn Kids on My LawnIndiana Jones and the Horn & Horn of DestinyIndiana Jones and the Critics of the InterTubesIndiana Jones and the Grasp of RelevanceIndiana Jones and the S...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Fri, 16 May 2008 03:57:00 PST

To be continued.

For the record,  will continue my thoughts on the smoking ban. I just got caught up on a few things. The first full show for the new troupe is coming up fast (a week from this Saturday!), we've g...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:46:00 PST

Smokey and the Ban (part 1)

As of the beginning of the month, smoking has been banned indoors in Maryland. There was some debate about how this was going to affect things, how it was going to be enforced, and what the specifics ...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:28:00 PST


Today is the primary election in Maryland. Hopefully everyone here is voting today, and everyone not here has voted or will vote in their current state. In order to clear up some confusion, I wou...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:29:00 PST


I've been rewatching Twin Peaks this week, and I feel Agent Cooper has been taking over my brain. After a most vivid dream in which I visited a bhuddist temple fashioned into a diner-themed restaurant...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:41:00 PST

I’m alive

I'm a survivor. I made it through another birthday, despite it apparently being the intention of everyone who was able to make it out to try and kill me. Sure, they said they just wanted me to get sic...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:10:00 PST

Spider-Man - One More Change

For those of you who don't know about what's going on in Spider-Man right now: Aunt May gets shot and is dying, and Doc Strange, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, nobody can seem to save her. From a gunsh...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:12:00 PST

Missed Connection

I'm thinking I need to start posting some of the spam I get on Craig's List, or a Nerve ad, or something. They write so beautifully, so personal:--------------------------------------------------- --i ...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:29:00 PST

Blame Where Blame is Due

I only get one radio station in my car. The antenna is busted, and I've tried to fix it, but no luck. It helps me get through sections of my CD collection I otherwise ignore. Still, in the areas I can...
Posted by Darth Awesome on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:14:00 PST