You REALLY wanna Know My Interests .... It's odd ... but here goes, Sure Music, But Pro Wrestling. So much so That I do It!! No feeling Like Playing The Heel ...
You scored as Technical. Very similar to Memphis style!...Whooooo!!!!
Tag team
Power wrestler
Old School Brawler
Super Heavyweight
80's WWF
Why Would Would I post here? I have Met Plenty of Important people that have influenced my life Greatly, and They all know who they are to fullfill me. Yet there is only One Person I would REALLY like to meet ..... it may sound weird, it sound Dumb But ...... the Dalih Lamah .... That's Right, you Heard me correctly. Why? Because I imagine He is a fascinating Man, and Would be interesting to have a conversation with .... and THAT is why I'd Like to meet him.
Ok, You wanna know what I listen to? I Know you do ... All all waiting, so here it is ...... everything. Yea, I listyen to just about EVERYTHING. Why? because you NEVER know where Inspiration can come from ... Opera, Rap, Nu-Metal, Grunge, you name it, It can come From it ... Mainly I Listen to grunge, Hardkore rock and Nu-Metal But I like to Keep my interests Out there ..... Of Course, being a Radio xXx DJ helps, and If you want, Check us out at ...... Though I AM gonna Make a Suggestion Here. There are a TON of Great Indie Bands out there - alot of real Talent. Groups like 40 Sons and Daughters, Little Sunday, Zeolot Nation, Art Of Chaos, Ditchwater, I can go on and on ... However, the Indie band that I truely support as does Radio xXx is the Following ....
Check them Out, I'll guarentee that you will NOT be disappointed!!
Heroes ..... There's a Term that Gets Used Quite abit, and yet, gets Prosituted out Far too easily. How do we define a "HERO"?
That's a very Good question, one that I'm sure has a million answers from at least EVERYONE out there .... So I refer to a Quote that I live by .....
"It's strange how real life works in the end. Your heroes are all dead, or were never heroes at all; the wretched become the saintly, the disdained, the noble."
--Stephen Reid, Jackrabbit Parole
I don't like to refer to people as "Heroes" ..... But Great Influences on Who I am is truly Appreciated. The Old Indian when I traveled around Canada, from Northern Alberta. He was a huge Influence on me when I went thru re-hab .... James O'Barr and his Story, "The Crow". He helped me Greatly, with a Truly Inspiring Story of redemption, growth and rebirth ..... In my life, Scott Levy, better known in Pro Wrestling as Raven, who he is, who his character is, Everything about him, character wise and personally as well, in being one of the few 3 Deminsional Wrestlers out there, a Man who makes you think in his promo's. I have Based my Corvis Wrestling persona on him greatly. He inspires me, Motivates me Creativitely. To me, Levy is a true Inspiration ..... Politically, There hasn't been many .... very few I see worthy ... but Historicly, there has been one. Pierre Elliot Trudeau - Former Prime Minister of Canada. He was, as many say, a Maverick in all senses. He Oppossed religion and Politics combining, He was loyal to who he was and his beliefs, Open to new idea's and most important Helped Crerate our Canadian Charter of Rights that we so Hold dear to this day. And most importantly, He wasn't English-Canadian or French Canadian .... He was CANADIAN, 1st and foremost.
There have been others who has inspired me in my life that I do not wish to mention, thru ill or other reasons ... most of which have long passed on. To them, even if it wasn't intentional and was ment for other means, I thank you ....
That's all I have to say on that .....