GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa profile picture

GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the CO-Founder and secretary of the Iowa Chapter~~~Cedar River ~Guardians of The Children. GOC serves as a public bebfit organization. We exist to educate the public about child abuse, and create a safer environment for abused and neglected children. The Members of GOC are charged with using their individual and collective resources to aid the victims of abuse and neglect. GOC is partnered with children's advocasy agencies to receive referrels. Ir it is determined that GOC can benefit a child, we will organize a ride to meet the child and through a ceremony bring the chld into our organization. When needed,Members may attend court with our little wounded friends. The sole purpose for our physical presence is to assist the child in being less intimitated and frightened while testifying against their abuser. As a body of Bikers, we help empower children to be courageous, even in the face of their ordeals. We stand ready to lend their support to our bwounded little friends. GOC Members and Supporters are ordinary people who simply care about children. We are parents,grandparents,aunts and uncles. We enjoy the open road on our iron horses and are ehere to spread the important message of "NO MORE CHILD ABUSE". The Members of GOC have taken an oath and will enforce with VALOR,TRUTH and INTEGRITY the MISSIONN of this organization. GOC is not just one individual force fighting against child abuse. GOC is a brotherhood of motorcycle enthusiasts bandd togethrer for the same cause- our children.Our asociation as bikers gives GOC uniquequalifications to protect our children and call on resources that might not be available to the public at large. Our mission is to send a clear message to all who would abuse children that we are prepared to protect these children through our physical and emotional support. GOC does not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner. However, if we as a group, or as an individual, must act to prevent the abuse of another child we will do so.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Day dreaming of fairies

My Interests

WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE?WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE?PHYSICAL ABUSE: Any non-accidental physical injury by the child's caretaker. Does not necessarily include the intent to injure,may be the result of over discipline or inappropriate punishment.SEXUAL ABUSE: Any contacts or interactions between a child and an adult in wich the child is being used for the sexual satisfaction of the perpetrator or another person.EMOTIONAL mALTREATMENT: Blaming,belittling,or rejecting a child;treating siblings unequally;lack of concern by caretaker for child's welffareNEGLECT: Inattention to basic needs of a child such as food,clothing,medical care and supervision. Tends to be chronic.ABUSED CHILDREN ARE~~~6 Times more likely to commit suicide~~~24 Times more likely to commit sexual asault~~~74 Times more likely to commit crimes against others~~~50 Times more likely to abuse alcohol and/or drugs~~~53 Times more likely to be arrested as a juvenile~~~38 Times more likely to be arrested as an adult~~~6 Times more likely to abuse their own children,petuating the cycle of violence...
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I'd like to meet:

WHY SHOULD YOU INVOLVE YOURSELF WITH THE CHILD ABUSE PROBLEM? BECAUSE~~~3 out 10 children are abused in one form or another!!! BECAUSE~~~these children often grow up and inflict the violence they were forced to endure on society in the form of violant crime!!! BECAUSE~~~93% of felons convicted of crime state they grew under the strains of child abuse!!! BECAUSE~~~4,000 children die each year from child abuse!!! BECAUSE~~~abused children carry the feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem into Adulthood thereby, becoming members of society operating at half than their capacity!!! BECAUSE~~~it costs our sociey too much money to cope with its effects BECAUSE IT CAN BE STOPPED!!! BECAUSE IF YOU DONT GET INVOLVED... WHO WILL???



Mark 84% Compatible ♥ Elizabeth and Mark have been romantically-together for a long time. That alone demonstrates a degree of compatibility. Their shared faith will help form a bond between them. They both abstain from drinking, so that helps compatibility. The fact that the two hold different political beliefs may be a sore spot. Elizabeth may complain that Mark is too sloppy. And then there is the fact that their styles mismatch, although that isn't too big a deal. Furthermore, their astrological signs are not in harmony. They share a favorite season, and that is good. Their common love of animals is another good thing. And their views on children are similar. Overall, Elizabeth and Mark are quite compatible. There are a few rough spots, but nothing that cannot be overcome. ♥

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My Blog

Illusions...By My Friend Sexy Wench

I read this and was amazed at how gifted my friend is....She is a strong,amazing gifted woman. If you see this Janie...God Bless. Thank you...For your strenghth Courage and beautiful words... ILLUSION...
Posted by GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:13:00 PST

~In Response to an Enemy~

  Thank you my friend,you attacked me And with that you gave me strength. to awaken my forgiving You wanted to belittle me,and the effect was that  I was  able to raise myself to my fu...
Posted by GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:26:00 PST

My mission

Well I geuss Im just going to start this off with a little bit about myself.This is going to be very hard and tearful. My name is Elizabeth and Im on a mission to help save children from going through...
Posted by GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 02:47:00 PST


WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE? PHYSICAL ABUSE: Any non-accidental physical injury by the child's caretaker. Does not necessarily include the intent to injure,may be the result of over discipline or inappropriat...
Posted by GOC Cedar River Secretary,Iowa on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:22:00 PST