Winter Itch profile picture

Winter Itch

Is that generally frowned upon?

About Me

It's an itchy wintry mix out there.
Come inside for a nice warm cup of

You can actually see Chris for about the first half of this video!
The audio isn't great but you'll get the idea.

In this pic from the show you can see Chris' legs by looking under my crotch.
So we need another pic up here.
This is just the first live shot from the show I found.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/3/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Chris is a responsible and courteous citizen.
Jake is a valued member of our team here.
Glen is a hard-working go-getter.

Foo Fighters
Meat Puppets
mainly, maybe.
Because really, all three of us listen to HUNDREDS of very different things, and so we all have different individual influences.
You'd probably be amazed.

Sounds Like: some people still know how to write catchy, unique, interesting songs
Record Label: YHMNOMB Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Bands we probably wouldn't mind opening for (hah)

Foo FightersWeezerNada SurfSuperdrag/John DavisMaroon 5Jack JohnsonJohn MayerPercy HillThriceEve 6SugarculthellogoodbyeLitFinger ElevenPhantom PlanetFall Out BoySay Anythingshiny toy gunsBloc PartyPea...
Posted by Winter Itch on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:11:00 PST

VIDEO from the Millys show took my virginity.

The video from the show is now UP on the front of here.Thanks to everyone there, and there will be more shows coming up for the rest of ya!
Posted by Winter Itch on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:04:00 PST


"The Secrets of Being POPULARITY" from LMNOP.comWhat is important? What is not important? Are other people's opinions relevant or irrelevant? Is being noticed a good thing...or a bad thing? Do people ...
Posted by Winter Itch on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:56:00 PST

Our ROUGH demo mp3s

As you may have seen, we put up rough demo mp3s in the player on here, so you can stream the songs right from this profile.But in addition, all of these mp3s and MORE can be had by simply going to the...
Posted by Winter Itch on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

We finally played with A DRUMMER!

I think it's about freaking time I posted a blog on here.It's also about time I am FINALLY part of a really fulfilling musical project again (this is Jake).I am definitely enjoying these kickin jams. ...
Posted by Winter Itch on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:01:00 PST