Jay Jay profile picture

Jay Jay

I want to drop a batch in your ear so you can hear me cumming

About Me

.Love me, always out and about in the scene of clubland, Daytime profession, Hairstylist extrodinare. Nighttime Profession, I work at some of the top clubs in Chitown. I love dancing, drinking, doin the damn thang , art, letting the kids have it and me at the same time. Im playful at times and can be a bitch the rest of the time I think Im a good person to know. New hobbies are working out, trying to get the body of a greek god, its hard but feels great!

My Interests

I have tons of interests, just ask me

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!Just about anybody


I'm eclectic, like just about everything. Cum and find me out in the clubs, and we will dance to what ever is playing


I havent seen a good movie in a while


Get this video and more at MySpace.comI dont watch it


I am currently writing a book about my life and times in and out of the club scene, and my many run ins with celebutants.


My family