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So many bitches, so little time....

About Me

What's up, peoples? My name is Phillippe and I'm a straight up zombie. I tend to wander a lot and yeah....I eat me some serious brains. Brains ain't the only thing I eat, though. I've been known to roam the Haitian countryside chowing down on psychoactive botanicals, lychee, coconut, mango, & avocado. I also like to drink rum, dance, and freak ladies wild. This is what I do. It's who I am.
Fellas: If you want to roll with this zombie you gots to be sick. On the real. I'm down with serious drinking, fighting, gallavanting, and howling at the moon. The word 'excess' ain't in my zombie vocabulary. My people need be able to slurp down 15 year Barbancourt rum like the shit is mutha fuckin' Evian. When I'm loaded and fools walk up talking smack about my rotting flesh it is ON. Blood and flesh like like confetti so don't get tripped out...I'm letting you know in advance.
Ladies: I ain't only about the brains and the brawling and the drinking. I'm smooth, chill, romantic as hell, nurturing, and all about lavishing my you with hella clothes, jewelry, accessories, rides, shoes, wine, and good music. I used to work cutting sugar cane in Haiti so I got me some strong hands that are damned effective at giving full body massages. I am all about conversating and empathizing with your emotions and daily needs. And this zombie can rock your underworld all night. You ain't never been had till you've been had by a zombie. I got the skills to light you ladies up and melt you like 7 day voudou candles.
Holla at your boy! You know I look fine as hell!

My Interests

giving fine ass ladies multiple orgasms, chowing down on some freshly killed brains, cooking curries that are so damn hot they break you out in an all-out sweat and burn like a bitch when they come out the next day, roller derby bitches, decadence, debauchery, Bacchanalian throw-downs, whoopin' some Republican and born-again Christian ass, ayahuasca, psilocybin, harvesting sugar cane, Creole cuisine, dmt, peyote, datura, Oaxacan mushrooms, collard greens with human hock, wandering aimlessly, pontianak, the scent of jasmine in the night air, moving in rhythm to beckoning drum beats, homemade fish sauce, busting out some Pentjak Silat, rolling with my Yakuza peoples up in Tokyo, swooning females with my French/Creole accent, serrada eskrima, darkened ruins, French wine & Haitian rum, chillin at Phuket Island, tearing out the entrails of haters, dancing naked in the Treme, skinny dipping in the Chao Phraya River, big hot bowls of pho and tri-color desert drinks, black water sucking at desolate shores, brains dipped in soy sauce and wasabi, ti-malice, open air markets, swimming with Raja Naga, abandoned priories, kicking it with Raja Jinn Peri and Seni Silat Haqq, chillin in my hammock, percussion, cellos, accordians, falling from grace, swimming at night beneath a full moon, petting alligators, howling at the moon, growling at demons (or dancing with them if I'm in the mood), reading ladies poetry by Octavio Paz (or myself if they inspire my literary, romantic ass), covering my body with Androstenedione cream, wailing on a punching bag while pretending that shit is Bill O Reilly or Rush Limabugh's punk ass, sipping mojitos poolside with my homies, going down to deliver pleasure to ladies who got the Brazilian wax thang in effect....

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet Karlin and light each other's hearts, minds, and loins on mutha fuckin' fire....


Tilly and the Wall, Muddy Waters, Sugarhill Gang, Drive-By Truckers, Jolie Holland, Black Flag, The Knife, M.I.A., Gnarls Barkley, Mingus, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Al Green, Reverend Horton Heat, Lard, This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb, Ludacris, Clan of Xymox, Lil' John and the East Side Boys, Billie Holiday, Dave DOndero, Daniel Johnston, Juana's Addiction, Skinny Puppy, Cramps, Throbbing Gristle, Tom Waits, Doctor John, Dead Can Dance, Coil, Thrill Kill Kult, Wanda Jackson, Sisters of Mercy, Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, Psychic T.V., Louis Armstrong, Edith Piaf, Angels of Light, Jay Z, Asylmum Street Spankers, Johnathon Richman, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Diamanda Galas, Wesley Willis, Petro rythyms, West African percussion, Lords of Acid, Serge Gainsbourg, The Fleshies, Ministry, Christian Death, The Creatures, Leather Strip, Cave Cat Sammy, Mazzy Star, Southern Culture on the Skids, Ted Hawkins, 50 Cent, Nashville Pussy, Throbbing Gristle, The Damned, Calypso shit to get me moving and jiving and shaking off my rotting flesh, reggae that isn't weak as hell and repetitive, 45 Grave, Mike West, Morning 40 Federation, Bauhaus, Nashville Pussy, Tones on Tail, Dalis Car, Dave Dondero, Nick Cave, Neubauten, dark, drunken, murderous and obscure Delta blues, Quintron, Patsy Cline, Causey Way, Exploited, Jarboe, Lard, Los Infernos, Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood, The Pixies, booty bass, and anything that inspires a foxy mama to work that booty on the dance floor...or up in my living room....or up in my bedroom...................................


Legacy of the Spirits, Angel Heart, Black Dawn, Serpent and the Rainbow, Haiti: Un Peuple Createur, To Serve the Gods, Black Sugar, Evil Dead, Hellraiser , Night of the Living Dead, Zombie, Rosemarie's Baby, Exorcist, and my own private stash of Dita Von Teese getting freaky with me on film..


CaribNation, Creature Feature, The Munsters, The Adams Family, Six Feet Under, Jackass, Strangers with Candy, Reno 911, Ali G (Ali G is one of the funniest mother fuckers I have ever seen...I got mad love for that fool)..........


Voudoun Fire: The Living Reality of Mystical Religion, The Faces of the Gods: Vodou and Roman Catholicism in Haiti, Voodoo Past and Present, Voodoo: Search for the Spirit, Sacred Possessions: Vodou, Santeria, Obeah, and the Caribbean, Secrets of Voodoo. I also got mad love for my boy Baudelaire. Bataille is the shit too. I love all them twisted poetic mother fuckers that are into crazy shit.


All the ladies that see past my grave rot and see the inner person that is freaky Phillippe. Any fine ass brunettes who got an oral fetish are my heroes too....

My Blog

Wiccan bitches is dope as hell!

Last week I went to the states to see some of my peoples and I went into this 'magick' shop.  From the outside I thought it was a place where I could buy me some fly magic tricks, but then I real...
Posted by Phillippe on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:04:00 PST

It's been a long ass time since I wrote and I'm sorry for that

Ladies, you know I love ya'll, and you know there's a few of you I love more than the rest, but deep down I got a little bit of love for everyone of you.  With that bein' said, I just wanted to a...
Posted by Phillippe on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST

ladies: the threesomes gotta stop!

Lately it seems like everytime I meet some fine ass girl she wants to get me to do a threesome with one of her girls!  Sometimes that's cool, but other times it makes me feel like ya'll just wann...
Posted by Phillippe on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:36:00 PST

Russian bitches is fine as hell!!!

The other night I was drinkin' me some mojitos up at this club that prides themselves on the fact that everything they make up in that bitch is fresh to order.  They make all their sour mix on th...
Posted by Phillippe on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:30:00 PST

Roller Girl Zombies

I was thinkin' the other day about how dope it would be if some crazy team of roller girls decided to form an entire team of roller girl ZOMBIES!!!!  Could you imagine a whole team of roller girl...
Posted by Phillippe on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:22:00 PST

Why do vegetarians gotta hate?

Look ya'll....I don't eat animals!  I eat human brains...there's a big goddamn difference, ya heard me? I was out the other night tearing it up at the club and I got to talking to this  fine...
Posted by Phillippe on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:41:00 PST

There's more to Phillippe than just freaking ladies nasty...

That ain't all I'm good for and I'm tired of ya'll ladies just wanting to use me for sex.  Yeah....I like to get buck wild and tear it up in the bedroom as much as yourselves, but sometimes a nig...
Posted by Phillippe on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 03:21:00 PST

BBQ Brains on a Friday Night

Yesterday mornin' I woke up to the smell of burning cedar and oak.  I rolled up outta bed and went out back to find my neighbors had set up a big ass smoker in their back yard and were smoking so...
Posted by Phillippe on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 10:05:00 PST

Since when is 3 hours not enough?

Last night I hooked up with these 2 crazy ass college girls and they took me back to one of their daddy's mansions somewhere outside of town.  They had a bunch of friends over who were all p...
Posted by Phillippe on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:52:00 PST

I'm sick of possum and squirrel brains

Some of my peeps have been talking smack about me killing people and eating their brains and junk.  They say that if I want to roll with them that I can't be doing that kind of thing.  There...
Posted by Phillippe on Mon, 05 Sep 2005 02:26:00 PST