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Princess Deborah

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depths of me:
Get to know me a little better. The questions that really help you to know me. Have fun.
If you could live in any other place, where & why? A hot sunny lush and tropical island with beautiful beaches
What animal best represents you & why? a cat, because I'm always grooming and I only come when I want! LOL!
What is the craziest thing you ever did? Oooh, can't say!
If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why? My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I have so many questions...
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why? The roaring 20's baby! They had the best style esp, flapper and it was so romantical! and.. THE 8O'S I LOVED THE 8O'S WE THAT WERE ALIVE THEN WERE OH SO LUCKY!8O'S 4 EVER!
If you could have any superpower what would it be? to read minds
Whos is your ultimate celebrity crush? Brad Pitt, Damn! Did you see that man in Troy?! I nearly went into cardiac arrest!
What color best represents you? Pink,is a beautiful color! I'm such a girly girl!
What would your life's theme song be? No More Drama!!!!
Who would you cast to play you in a movie? I need to think about that one
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion? the material girl herself Madonna
What would your life movie be called? Karmic Lessons
What is the greatest music video of all time? Man In The Mirror
If you could star in any t.v. show, which one would it be? The Bold and The Beautiful
What vehicle best represents you? a Bugatti, because I'm exotic and extremely refined
If you could bring back 1 famous person from the dead for a day, who & why? Malcolm X, BECAUSE HE HAD AN INCREDIBLE MIND AND STOOD UP FOR WHAT HE BELIEVED IN NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCE
If you became president, what would you do first? the legalized castration of all dead beat dads! there are too many children suffering!
If you got one tattoo, what would it be? a floral anklet
If you were on MTV's Made, what would you ask to be? a singer
Who do you think is the hottest athlete? David Beckham oh my! He's young but Ryan Sheckler
Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress? Brad Pitt
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper? as far as over all performance, Chris Brown, that boy is going to be a mega star
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star? once again Ryan Sheckler
What sport best represents you & why? running , because I always have to go the distance
What is your most missed memory of childhood? hanging out in the pool ALL day in the summer with my friends, and playing four square(ha!) walking around bare foot and eating now and laters non stop from the time I woke up until I went to bed(freakin' ridiculous!)
What is your greatest accomplishment? Having my beautiful and blessed son... he makes me a better person
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This or That:
McDonalds or Burger King? mc donald's
Pepsi or Coke? DEFINETLY,coke!
Sierra Mist or Sprite? eeew! Sprite!
Dominos or Pizza Hut? pizza hut
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Fridays
Pancakes or waffles? I do not eat either one
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheeseburgers
Meat or veggies? veggies
Vanilla or chocolate? vanilla
Abercrombie or Hollister? Abercrombie
Boxers or briefs? boxers
Collar: popped or regular? regular
Jeans or skirt? skirt
Sneakers or flip-flops? flip flops! I practically live in them in the summer!
*NYSNC or Backstreet Boys? Nsync
50 Cent or Tupac? Tupac
Country or rap? rap
Rob Thomas or Maroon 5? Maroon 5
Goo Goo Dolls or Matchbox 20? Goo Goo Dolls
Porcupine Tree or Opeth? ;) WHAT?
The Other Sex
Face or body? BOTH!
Chest or heinie? heinie
Hair: short or long? it doesn't matter
Brunette or blonde? it doesn't matter
Candy or flowers? flowers,all day every day!
Friends with benefits or date? date! Eeeew,to benefits!
MySpace or Facebook? My Space
TV or movie? tv
Cell phone or iPod? cell phone
Automatic or manual? automatic
Black or white? both
Red or blue? blue
Gold or silver? silver
Yellow or orange? yellow
Pink or purple? PINK,baby!
Fall or Spring? spring
Rain or thunderstorm? thunderstorm, I like thunder and lighting even though it scares me
Snow or rain? rain
Would you rather...
Shower or bathe? shower
Play an instrument or sing? sing
Play ping-pong or pool? ping pong,never played pool
Be hot or cold? HOT!
Are you...
Quiet or loud? quiet
Immature or immature? that's funny!
Ugly or hott? Are you kidding me? I'm SMOKIN' (GOTTA HAVE CONFIDENCE!) With a snap!
Smart or stupid? completely, stupid! With a smile
Gay or straight? straight
Dogs or cats? I do love my doggies, but if I had to choose...cats ,I'm one my self, darling!
Pen or pencil? pen
Bush or Kerry? neither
Canada or Australia? Aussie,cuz they have good looking men, love them surfer boys! and UGG boots galore!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at
Your Gemstone is Ruby
Daring, enthusiastic, and spontaneous.
You are energetic and passionate, with an appetite for life. What Gemstone Are You?
You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.
You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Well for now this is going to be pretty short, I'll add more later. I am a very strong willed and independent thinker, I like to know WHY things are the way they are and I research whatever it is I might be interested in at the moment. I do not like to be told no,( and it is extremely hard for me to say no as well. I like to please, especially those that are close to my heart) and I will do every thing I can to turn it into a yes, if I feel it is worth it. I do not like being told what to do. I would much rather find my own way and come to my own conclusions. I do not like to be ignored or dismissed, and you better believe I will be heard. I am a feisty one, can't help it, it's in my nature. I am a good listener and am quite content to sit and listen. I am not always comfortable talking about my self ( I would much rather write about myself than talk about myself),not because I don't have anything to say but because I'd much rather listen. I am very complex and simple at the same time if that makes any sense.I'm opionated and do not necessarily care what others think of me,not because I'm self absorbed or rude but because I realize people will have opinions about me anyway. It use to really bother me if some one didn't like me because I am so sensitive(I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve), and also because I never seek to spite any one one intentionally(not without good cause),so it would really tear me up inside. Now, however I could care less. I feel like this, if there is a problem and I do not know about it then how can I make ammends? How can a person be angry with me if I do not even know that there is a problem? Please, by all means let me know! I like peace and tranquility, I DON'T LIKE CONFLICT OR HOSTILITY, it literally makes me ill. I will be the first one to request one's forgiveness and say sorry if I'm at fault. I'm also working on forgiving those who have wronged me( damn, it is hard!) because I understand the truth in how forgiving let's you be free. Also if you are not able to forgive others then how can you expect to be forgiven yourself? I am an old fashioned person in that I believe in treating others with compassion and kindness, respecting my elders, greeting people as you pass by or enter their home, having men open doors, pull out chairs, allowing a woman to enter a room first and letting a lady sit down first( and every woman should expect and demand to be treated this way),that type of thing. (I abhor rude,narcissistic,contemptuous,superficial, individuals). Don't get it twisted though , I'm well mannered and respectful, yes. How ever if you rub me the wrong way I can be a force to be reckoned with all 5 feet 2 inches of me(LOL!). I am fiercely loyal to the ones I love and care about, and I protect them and have their backs to the fullest. Woe be unto anyone who hurts my loved ones. I am not your average woman in that I would much rather sit down and discuss the affairs of the world than talk about oh I don't know what's going on in some celebrity's life. I am very intense(if I walk into a room you will feel my presence) and focused,once I get into something I can get completely absorbed.I suppose it it because I am very passionate about anything I do. I like to be the best at anything I do and I am competitive.You could say that I am a fiery person, I am definetly the epitome of my birth sign twice over. I happen to also be a perfectionist which can sometimes be a curse because I also expect others to be perfect or want to be perfect. I ALWAYS want things perfect, it drives me nuts if things aren't in order or just right! Aesthetically things have to be appealling to my eye. I am forever making people and things over, in my head. You know like he would look so much better if he had his hair cut this way, or was dressed this way, that type of thing. I have a wide range of interests and want to know EVERY THING!I am convinced that I was a detective in my past life. LOL! I am always humbled at how much I think I know but still have to learn. Life is a never ending learning process, and I love to learn. I am always asking questions, and want to know why,why why? I am always reading and always have my face in a book or other type of reading material. I'm almost finished with the Autobiography of Malcolm X, what a wonderful book! I tried to read it when I was 18, and couldn't get into then, wish I had but suffice it to say I am pleasantly surprised.Every one should pick up a copy of this book and read it. I t is very well written. Next on my list the Autobiography of Kola Boof. I am always seeking ways to make myself better because I have so much to improve and want to be a good role model for my child. I like the person I 'm becoming with age. I look forward to getting older and can't wait for all the experiences I will encounter that will make me more humbled and wiser. I am extremely inquisitive as I've mentioned before, and analytical,things have to make sense to me or I get very frustrated. I am a high energy type(I probably get done in a day's work every day what at least 3 people do!) of person and full of life, people never think that I am 35(well I look really young too, and do not feel 35)because I am such a a big kid at heart, usually good natured and exude so much youthful energy. I believe that the secret of staying youthful is to look at the world through the eyes of a child. I love being a mother, it is the most important and wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I am constantly challenged to"check" myself and rethink everything I say and do because it is ALL being absorbed and copied,nolens volens.I hope and pray that my child will stay a humble, giving, loving, intelligent and kind person(his friends parent's and other adults are always telling me what a good heart he has and how well behaved he is, that makes me really proud!~ smile~) and to become a strong, confident and well respected adult. He is my sweet baby boy(even though he drives me nuts sometimes, actually most of the time, he definetly keeps me on my toes! LOL!) and I wouldn't trade him for the world! No way! I love him with all my heart and soul.I am so honored and proud to be his mother. Life becomes enriched and more meaningful because of a child's unconditional love.It makes you want to do every thing in your power to protect them and make this world a better place for them, it gets you motivated and taking action.I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I did not have my son. I believe that children are a blessing and they should be treated as such. I hope to have at least two more, if I meet the right person and get married! I love kids! I also love animals, I hope to own a few parrots a couple pygmy horses and some regular horses as well (it's okay to have lofty goals, no? LOL!) one day. I should note here as well that my, My Space,url hermajestysasha , is so named because of my little, itty, bitty, sweet baby kitty, Sasha that died, tragically, 3 years ago. So I named it in honor of her, and let me tell you she was the sweetest kitty EVER! I miss her so! And Arden, and Prima, Kitty and Lula, Halo, and Bailey(always following me around the house and in my business!)Chloe, Daisy and Tallulah Bunny, Tallulah poodle, and finally Belle ( who was a dog, that was always singing, and loved to eat ice cream, she was a sweetie pooh!) . I miss ALL of them so very, very much, it breaks my heart. I loved my babies so much. I am a sports lover as well!Especially soccer, tennis,swimming,track and field, gymnastics,,diving,and surfing to name a few.I cannot wait for the Olympics to begin! Although I am not afraid to get down and dirty, (AND PLAY HARD!) and can hang with the boys! I am a girly girl to the 10th power.I love wearing, dresses , skirts, lace, ruffles and ribbons,and rock a mean pair of heels.Love getting my nails and toes done. Love wearing perfume and makeup, basically I like to look like a lady. I love nature and being outdoors, and up in the mountains, (it is so beautiful and peaceful up there,EVEN THOUGH I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!) the beach, parks, botanical gardens. Love going to the farmer's markets on the weekends to pick up fresh fruits and veggies, kettle corn, and especially the oriental lilies! They are the best, not only are they beautiful but they smell so divine and infuse your home with a wonderful powdery dewy scent. I love things to look good, smell good, feel good(atmosphere and the way people make you feel( no negative types)).I believe in surrounding yourself with things that make you feel good and bring out the best in you, because it makes you a better and happier person! And your home should be your first priority as far as being surrounded with possessions that make one feel at peace and content, your haven away from the world. I would love to get married and spend the rest of my days with my life partner traveling the world.(come on guys don't be afraid of me, I know that's what I'm told all the time, that I seem unapproachable or involved, but don't be intimidated. I 'm really a pussy cat, rrrrr! LOL!) However if that does not happen I am perfectly fine with that (although I hope it does, because I am a hopeless romantic, and forever will be.) .I'll just live in a cottage on an, island with my four cats in perfect bliss! LOL! I absolutely believe in treating everyone with respect and kindness and as equal and fellow human beings. ALL people are equally important and should be valued as such Goodness, wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same?! Boring! I suppose that is why I'm drawn to almost instantly anything "different". We live in such a diverse world full of wonder that it is hard for me to comprehend dismissing any part of it as useless. I did state that this was going to be short, right? You will forgive me for lying, no? I AM NOT INTERESTED IN COLLECTING(random)FRIENDS. I TRULY ONLY WANT TO MEET THOSE I FEEL A CONNECTION TO, AND WHOSE PRODUCTS I LIKE. THANK YOU SO MUCH, FOR STOPPING BY TO READ A LITTLE(I KNOW I DO TEND TO GO ON AND ON...LOL!) ABOUT ME! LIVE WELL, LOVE MUCH, LAUGH OFTEN! XOXO!

My Interests

All things to help with raising children, gardening,cooking,sports, exercising,flea markets, farmers markets, art work:African Art, (sculptures, paintings,music, rugs,musical instruments...)renaissance, baroque,rococo,medieval,victorian, gothic,art deco. Matisse, Chagall,Picasso, Monet, Renoir,and artists from our generation(Thomas Kincaid amongst others), ballet, modern, hip hop, ball room,jazz, and all other forms of dance, fine restaurants, fine food, fine wine, belgian chocolate,perfume,flowers(oriental lilies,casablanca lillies,lilacs, white roses, peach roses,pink roses hyacinths,daffodils,tuberoses,orchids,to name a few.)jewelry, haute couture,anything and every thing to do with fashion, books, travel,oriental rugs, art deco,photography,candles,sconces, wreaths,nature,cottages, plants,fairies,knights,wind chimes,color therapy, waterfalls,museums,real estate,philology,stained glass,exotic cars, vintage clothing, hello kitty, strawberry shortcake, vintage cars, symbols, anagrams, dreams,human rights,physics, reading,black and white films,puzzles, riddles, mystery, writing,crystals and gem stones(diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, morganite, pearls, tanzanite)butterflies, geodes,antiques,gothic art and furniture, collections, ( I collect angels, eggs,charm bracelets,mirrors,marble statues, crystals,geodes, spheres, wands, jade bracelets,art work,elephants hoyas and epiphyllums) antiques,law, animals(poodles, maltese,pomeranians,terriers, bishon frise,main coons,persians,rag dolls,siamese,norwegian forest cats, parrots, cocatiels,horses and bunnies!)reflexology,aromatherapy,mehndi,diamond tiaras and crowns,estate jewelry,mirrors,mermaids,butterflies, politics, history,theology,the environment, traveling,genetics,psychology,animal rights, education, architecture,crystal chandeliers,water fountains,beautiful men (uh huh!), and interior decorating, do I dare go on?


I'd like to meet:

Funny,silly, different,quirky,happy, intelligent, creative, open- minded, down to earth,persons of substance, inquisitive, ambitious people who have a never ending thirst for knowledge , a deep reverence for life AND love living life!


80's, pop, r&b, rap, underground,house,freestyle, alternative,easy listening, house,ambient,world music (different types of music from all over the world), country,rock,gospel, new age,easy listening, classical,operas,doo wop,blues, some jazz, punk,techno,celtic, basically every thing(any thing that moves me) EXCEPT death metal and anything hate fueled


Some of my favorites:Troy, flashdance,about last night,pretty in pink,interview with the vampire, tristan and isolde, cleopatra(with Billy Zane), purple rain, under the cherry moon, philadelphia,the outsiders,stripes,less than zero, three men and a baby,witness,enemy of the state,heathers,grease,missing ,super bad, napolean dynamite, beat street,to kill a mockingbird, spice world,the price,king charlesII, pretty woman, annie, pollyanna, some like it hot,300, mothering sunday,rockckstar,jawbreakers, cruel intentions,forest gump,platoon, the italian job, willy wonka and the chocolate factory,dog day afternoon, the breakfast club,fame,you should be in pictures,the preachers wife,,house of flying daggers, rush hour1&2,the color purple, beaches,the terminator2,terms of endearment,romeo & juliet(original), kill bill vol. 1&2,e.t.,malcolm x, bugsy malone,class, the blue, lagoon,crouching tiger hidden dragon,the immitation of life, christmas story, it's a wonderful life,menace to society, set it off, poetic justice,die hard 1&2,Conan the barbarian,titanic,home alone 1&2,raising isaiah,i am david, ferris bueler's day off,back to the future, sixteen candles,the wiz, mahogany, bingo and the traveling all stars,the accused,missing, mr. and mrs. smith,do the right thing,crooklyn, member of the wedding (NBC live theatre) to wong foo, pirates of the caribbiean1,2,&3, raiders of the lost ark,thelma&louise,old classics, the departed and many, more!



Malcolm X, It's what I'm reading right now, next on my list Kola Boof I am a voracious reader, there are way too many books to list so I'll just list some of the subjects I love reading about. Anything that has to do with religion, biographies,motivational books and self help books, supposedly "conspiracy" theory books, quantum physics, intelligence,sociology, psychology, history and genetics.I also enjoyed reading fairy tales and fables as a child. I always wished to be a fairy, mermaid or a gypsy. LOL! Other recently read books: 1984,The Spear of Destiny,the davinci code, the biggest secret,and the truth shall set you free, fabulosity,. I also would highly recommend the Piers Anthony series for any science fiction buffs: Incarnations of Immortality especially the first three books.


My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who keeps showing me that my prayers are being answered. I know that I am protected and that you are always with me. I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you because you first loved me, and believe in me even when I do not believe in my self. I know it is your holy spirit that gives me strength when I am feeling defeated and will not allow me to give up when I want to, because some how the light always shines at the end of the tunnel. My mother for her inherent goodness, she keeps giving and giving and giving like the energizer bunny!And for teaching me that all people deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, to be loving and forgiving and showed me and continues to show me that you always extend a helping hand and that material things are not important ( even though I like nice things I'm not materialistic!) My blessed son he is truly God's gift to me, I truly believe that "on the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true". Every parent should be so lucky to have a child like mine(I know most parents rightly feel that their babies are the bomb! And they are right!):loving, caring, giving, respectful, obedient,so funny, kind, empathetic,insightful,ethical, extremely intelligent, sweet,the list goes on and on... He never ceases to amaze me at how insightful,sensitive, (you are a special child with an acute sense of your surroundings) caring and incredibly intelligent he is, and what a righteous heart! He makes me want to be a better person and I am constantly learning from him( He is the one responsible for putting together everything you see on this page! What a kid!) and in complete awe.I love him with all my heart.That's my sweet baby boy!Thank you God,for giving me a sweet boy! You my love, are destined for greatness, you've been blessed from up above.No one can steal your shine and when you come into your own in a few years, watch out world! My best friend Roger, who has ALWAYS been there for me without, fail, and ALWAYS has my back!How am I so lucky?I do not think he realizes how cherished and loved he is! A man of strong moral character who is extremely smart,kind, gratuitous,and FUNNY!What would I do without my Roger? I Love you so ! I hope to repay you for your never ending kindness if not in this lifetime then the next, even though I know you do not expect it. Finally, last but definetly not least, my little sister Amb, although I'm 18 years older than you, you are an outstanding young lady who I very much admire!You are a kind, well spoken young lady who is thought highly of and well liked amongst your peers and elders. I learn so much from you, your a good girl and have a bright future ahead of you! Don't ever let ANY ONE tell you you can't achieve something that you have your mind set on. You know what you have to do in situations like that, you gotta shut 'em down!. I wish you all the luck in the world,( the world is yours go out there and take it!) you deserve it!I'm proud of you! Congratulations on your nomination for The Honors Society and acceptance(WOW!)and getting into the first college of your choice! I am so proud of you! Any one who has and is fighting the good fight.People who paved the way and continue to pave the way for equality, human rights, acceptance, understanding, spreading truth and love who give selflessly of themselves, and help to make our world a better place to live in.


My Blog

comments for june 19, 2008

I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEND ANY COMMENTS UNTIL FRIDAY. I also wasn't on all this time, I forgot to log out from earlier in the evening. Thanks friends for all the wonderful comments! See you all on...
Posted by Princess Deborah on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:49:00 PST


Posted by Princess Deborah on Fri, 23 May 2008 12:04:00 PST


Currently working on my page, so excuse the unfinished off center appearance.
Posted by Princess Deborah on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 01:48:00 PST