Marc Jacobs profile picture

Marc Jacobs

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi everybody.... It's great to connect to friends new and old... I've been getting lots of messages, and answering a few each night after work. I can't devote much time to this space and I answer messages randomly, so if I don't get back to you, please forgive me. I am having a lot of fun here, and it feels very rewarding thanks to all of you guys who've been writing. I truly feel loved. I'M BACK!!!! X, M. I am a 44 year old Fashion Designer, and, proud of it!!! I have been working in Fashion for over 20 years.......I am grateful for my work, my friends and for my re-newed sobriety......after a "slip" last year, I am back on track and feeling better than ever before!!!! I am putting myself out there for all you my-spacers! This and only this is my real "MYSPACE PAGE"! LET ME HEAR FROM YA!!! Love, MARC.

My Interests

Yoga, Working Out, Dining With Friends, Walking Alfred & Daisy, Going To Galleries. Collecting Art.


Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Amy Winehouse, Rufus Wainwright, Lil' Kim, Eminem, Scout Niblett, The Rolling Stones, Velvet Underground, Patti Smith, Snoop Dogg


One From The Heart, Shrek, The Royal Tenebaums, Virgin Suicides, Last Year at Marienbad, The Conformist, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Great Gatsby


South Park, A Shot At Love, I Love New York


The Great Gatsby, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Requiem for a Dream, The White Album, To Kill a Mockingbird, The City and The Pillar, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Mrs. Dalloway


Robert Duffy (my Buisness Partner), Yves Saint Laurent, Ed Ruscha, Easy (my trainer)