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..Biografie AudionaticaAudionatica consists of the collaboration of the brothers Sandro and Marco Junker. Both have been in the electronic music scene for many years. They started off as a DJs in the late 90s. Through constant and thorough practice until the present day down in their cellar, they have achieved a level which lets the public know how much love of electronic music they have. They truely know how to put the perfect set in place with fantastic mixing skills and bring the people on a journey through their music, and have people dancing until the very end. Marco, the younger of the both started producing electronic music in 2004. He has spent many long nights playing and exploring Synthesizers, Drum-Maschines and other tools, and has reached a fantastic level of expertise, andis fully capable of keeping up with the international standards set up by the music industry as a whole. Sandro has decided to take over the managerial role of the business, and fort his reason he has been attending the Ebam-School in Zurich, learning all there is to know about the Music Industry. In the beginning of this new year, they will be bringing out their first productions over their own lable, and will be of their preferred music genre minimal-techno. After this, many more will follow. Through these many positive points having been discussed, Audionatica will certainly find their way into the international scene and is definatly a name to look out for.Biografie Claude StaffieriClaudio Francesco Staffieri, alias DJ Claude Staffieri is half Italian and half Swiss and comes from Bronschhofen (SG). Claudio has been turning the tables for 12 years specializing in electronic music. His music style is of the music genre Electro House, Tech-House and Breakbeats. Through having mixed different kinds of music styles and his way of connecting with the public, he manages to bring the party people to go crazy every time. His interesting sets comes from his many years of experience as a DJ. He has djed in most of the renound Swiss clubs, for example Q-Club (ZH), Rohstofflager (ZH), Adagio (LU) just to name a few. Claude Staffieri was able to present his sets on foreign soil too, such as in Ibiza, Germany, Italy, Spain and Austria. In the beginning of 2008, Claude will be bringing out his first record on E-Junkies Recordings. Throughout the year he will be working hard on bringing out many more great tracks. Through moving to making his own music, he will definatly grow to become more internationally recognized and his name Claude Staffieri will be heard much more in the national scene aswell as the international scene.Biografie DaniKissJoe Daniel Kissling aka DaniKiss has been listening to electronic music for 20 years. He has grown up with the music since the beginning. He has been djing for 15 years now. Throughout this time he has collected over 3500 records. He started djing with Trance and Progressive, and has adapted with the music scene and now plays Electro-House, Tech-House, Freaky-House all the way through to Techno. He manages to bring accross his music through his confident aura and perfect presented set. He bring the people to enjoy his music in a very good way. He will be bringing out his first production in the beginning of 2008 on E-Junkies Recordings. Many more tracks will be following throughout the year, and this too will help show he is a DJ to be noted on the International scene.