Hi, I'm ShifFting Level and this is my Post-Electro Brainfuck. All tracks on here are currently work in progressThis is me searching for a balance and a harmony in this fucked up world we live in, trying to make sense of a population driven by greed and self interest and seeing the beatuy hidden under the surface. I see things a little different than most, I've done a lot with my life and because of that I see a lot more in my surroundings than others. I sense a lot more and making music is my way of channeling that energy into something productive, I hope and intend to create something beautiful that others can appreciate. Music is my best friend and lover, it occupies my every waking moment and to be part of something that moves me so much is a great honour that humbles me, it's not an attempt to become famous and on the front of magazines, earn lots of money and hang around with the beautiful people, although I am a total party animal and I'm always the biggest caner and the last one to crash out. But that again is just related to my whole philosophy of life, to make the most of and to avoid all the bullshit lies and bullshit people. The state is evil and can only function by abusing our most brutal animal instinct that is greed. If we weren't so greedy we wouldn't work overtime or do jobs we hate where we have to rape others for the good of 'the company'. We are trianed to be greedy from the moment we are born through every moment we watch tv or visit the mall up to the last moment we finally take our pollution filled last breath."I work within music and not poetry because in my form the two elements work together. I'm shifting and shaping words as I vocalise, too. Sometimes I don't see it until after it's written" - Tori AmosPass along this small tribute, copy this code. idea.