Mark profile picture


<bThe Only Reality Is Beyond Its Origin</b

About Me

I live my life with one motto, "Put the B*lls@t aside and just live the F&*k out of every second." Every experience matters, whether it be that extra mile of speed, inch of height, extra decibel of sound, extra ounce of sheer adrenaline. Every moment matters, whether it 's letting another car go first at a 4-way intersection, to seeing the smile of ur loved ones. BS can take the back seat in my ride......TO LIVE IS TO DIE HAPPY....i love that f$%ken motto...

My Interests

Here's my attempt to help out those in need. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross. "Please" Click Here to participate. Thank You For Your Support.

I'd like to meet:

Folks that are real, no BS on the side...come at me clean and we can get along..... basically everybody.....Please forgive me if I add you prior to asking, I'm just one of those people who prefer to have you acknowledge my request before having a conversation.....THANKS IN ADVANCE for your friendship...glad to meet/know ya!!!!

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My Blog

To My Wife.....

As seen on Friendster...... To my almighty saviour, my strength, my love, my friend, my WIFE. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. Almighty saviour: Through these passed years, you've...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


W.I.S.D.O./M.- Words I Say Describes One / Me!!! I woke up this morning feeling unusually irritated as my mind became flooded with overwhelming thoughts. Came to the conclusion that the very sou...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ramblin' thoughts...

I dunno&Im sitting here going through the pages of people who have accepted my requests and the pages of new users everyday&and I begin to wonder how crazy it would be if we all really knew each othe...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST