Polio Survivors in the 21st Century profile picture

Polio Survivors in the 21st Century


About Me

Important Links
"Polio Survivors in the 21st Century Forum"
Ad-free and non-profit this forum was created to help polio survivors, friends and family to communicate and share important issues regarding polio.
"Polio Survivors in the 21st Century Webpage"
Ad-free and non-profit this WebSite continues to be in development.
Message from James Davis
In September 2006 I began a website and a forum to try and reach out to polio survivors. I spent over $400 to have a logo created. The logo is worth a thousand words. When we, most as babies and young children, came down with polio (based on my experience) we began to recover in stages...
1. In a wheelchair
2. With leg braces
3. With crutches
We learned to stand with the leg braces and walk with crutches and we let the wheelchair go! In time some of us gave up the crutches and then the braces. We were active in our lives, nothing, not even the residuals of polio could hold us back in our goals! Then when we reached our 40’s and 50’s we began to go back to wearing braces, then using crutches and eventually (I’m not there yet)……the wheelchair……that’s where my logo came in…..STANDING then....the WHEELCHAIR.
Now we, the survivors have moved into the 21st Century, our lives are changing. There are few to no doctors left who understand polio. Few to no medical professionals know how to help those of us with residuals of polio. I often feel alone when I feel not only extreme physical fatigue but also “mental fatigue”. I need to know “up to date” information for doctors and other medical resources I can depend on. I need to know that what I’m going through is not my imagination. I need to know……
the list goes on and who better to understand my concerns than those who have been through what I have and am going through?

Important Links
"Polio Survivors in the 21st Century Forum"
Ad-free and non-profit this forum was created to help polio survivors, friends and family to communicate and share important issues regarding polio.
"Polio Survivors in the 21st Century Webpage"
Ad-free and non-profit this WebSite continues to be in development.
Message from Keith Moore
A Message from Keith Moore....
I'm a fellow Polio Survivor who was hit with the virus in 1956 at the age of 10 month's old and it left me with a deformed right leg, a bummed up hip and the worst spinal arthritis that you can imagine! I'm disabled but I'm not dead...lol. I'm here to let everyone know that there's a new awakening at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation (Georgia) for all Polio Survivor's and a doctor by the name of Cathy Hogan who is dedicated and sincere about our needs. We need to get the word out about this because she is determined to make sure that we are not forgotten and that we get the care that we need. If it's one thing that I know for sure it's that all of us may have to deal with some kind of after affects from our experience with this disease sooner or later. We are very lucky to have someone who is looking out for us and all people who suffer from a debilitating situation like ours. Franklin D. Roosevelt would be so, so proud! I urge you to help me pass this news on, so we can help all of the lives around the world that "are" and "yet" to suffer from Polio(especially children in third world countries). I am a very Spiritual person and I have no doubts about how this all came about. Thanks for listening and if there is anything, anything at all, that I can do for anyone, Please let me know....


My Interests

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Polio Survivor Internet Support Groups

"Creative Post Polio Support Network"
This is a MySpace support group with 50 plus members hosted by Marylouise.

A MySpace support group hosted by DDDogboy with several members.

"Polio Survivors in the 21st Century"
This is a Network54 support group with several members hosted by Keith Moore & James Davis.

If you are on our list of friends and have a polio support group, please let James know.

Polio Survivors in the 21st Century

Children, family & friends of Polio Survivors!

My Blog

Getting professional advise.

Keith Moore read my last post and ask that I email Dr. Hogan in Warm Springs about what I've been feeling, both physically and mentally this past year. No matter what I do I'm not seeing any...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 05:25:00 PST

A bulletin and post I made about what I’ve been up to.

As many of you know I have dedicated many years to bringing awareness to tobacco abuse and it has been hard for me to try and change gears by being more involved with my Polio Survivor friends...but d...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 07:12:00 PST

Vitamin B-12 Patches

I received the B-12 Patches this past week and just a short time ago put one on. They are about the size of a dime and you place them behind the ear lobe on the soft skin between the jaw and the neck ...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:07:00 PST

Post Polio and Vitamin B-12

I began to do a little research on the internet regarding the benefits of Vitamin B-12. Throughout my 30's, 40's and now in my 50's I've noticed after a good nights sleep I'm a bit more "mentally" ale...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:12:00 PST

Summery of a daughters view of her polio survivor parents.

I want to thank Tracey for sharing her thoughts on her parents. It is greatly appreciated. _______________________________________________ Hi James -I promised to give you a short lowdown on my parent...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 04:23:00 PST

Gilda Reed for Congress in Louisiana Dist. 1

"We Need Reed!"   That is the slogan for Dr. Gilda Reed's campaign as a Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Louisiana's District 1. You may think, "I don't live in Louisiana, I ...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 07:45:00 PST

I feel less alone as we grow in numbers.

Each day I visit this MySpace Site I see a new friend joining us. I'm no longer feeling alone as a Polio Survivor.   As polio is being eradicated from the world! It is my greatest hope that ...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:39:00 PST

Our Polio Survivors Group is growing.

Hello Everyone - I've been off the internet for awhile (felt a bit under the weather and still do but I'm sure I'll live...lol) and finally got back on and have made a few updates and left comments of...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 04:35:00 PST

Louisiana Voters - Please vote for Gilda Reed!

I've never endorsed anyone in politics but.....I am with Gilda Reed and I hope you'll all pass the word to those in Lousiana 1st District that this lady could make a big difference in Washington, if o...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 06:11:00 PST

James, my first week in 2008.

Hello Everyone - As some of you may know I have had 5 plus years on the internet managing a quit smoking forum and related webpages. Only recently, thanks to Keith, alerted me back to a certain g...
Posted by Polio Survivors in the 21st Century on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 11:43:00 PST