Bands, artists, music lovers, other promoters and anyone and everyone young, old and new.
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Some bands that have played Dirty Bingo are; A.Human, Artefacts for Space Travel, Attack!SwitchAttack!, Barringtone, Crash Convention, Cazals, Collapsing Cities, Cut Off Your Hands, ddd, Dexter(Walk Don't Walk), Dirty Hands, Dustins Bar Mitzvar, Elle S'Appelle, Esser, Friends of the Bride, Fryars, Ginger Bread Men, Green Man Says Go, Heartsrevolution, Hot Silk Pockets, Hatcham Social, Inbetween Days, JaJa Wunderbar, John & Jehn, Lets Wrestle, Little Boots (DJ set), Little Death, Lost Sunday, Love is All, Ludes, The Mardous, Micachu, Metro Riots, My Tiger My Timing, Nic Nell, The Needles, Orphans & Vandals, The Outside Royalty, O.Children, Operahouse, Pete and The Pirates, Pencil Toes, The Ripps, Rosemary, The Ruling Class, Rum Shebeen, Screaming Ballerinas, Sleepercurve, Somebodys Mind, Sportsday Megaphone, Stricken City, Swanton Bombs, Tin Can Telephone, Theoretical Girl and The Equations, Thomas Tantrum, Twisted Charm, Thee Unstrung, Untitled Musical Project, The Vibrants, Vincent Vincent and the Villains, William, The XX, Yeti, The Young Knives
All Photos by Lola Peach Baxter
Lola Peach