Silvina Harris- Vocal profile picture

Silvina Harris- Vocal

Participaciones en Bandas

About Me

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Mi historia en el Heavy Metal comienza hace mas de una decada, Comence como Presidente vitalicio de "IRON MAIDEN WANTS YOU TO DEATH" Fan Club de IRON MAIDEN, por el cual me conocen muchos y luego incursionando en otro rubro como manager de bandas de Heavy Metal. Desde hace dos años, estoy del otro lado del escenario, en las tablas, como vocalista de Death Metal. En este espacio quiero compartir, el material que he grabado con bandas que me invitaron y tambien de mis actuales bandas: Betrayer y Climatic Terra. De mas esta decir que estoy infinitamente agradecida LETARGO quienes me dieron la primera oportunidad de grabar uno de mis temas favoritos para un Tributo que aun no sale editado. Tambien agradezco a MA.LO.GA de Tierra del Fuego que me invitaron a cantar un tema de ellos que esta pronto a salir en su primer disco. Y no quiero olvidarme de Kaustos, mis amigos de siempre quienes me invitan a cantar en vivo en sus shows y con los que pude compartir un show increible como soportes de EXODUS!! Con Betrayer estamos formados hace 6 meses, tenemos una fecha en vivo por el momento y este grabado para un compilado que saldra editado por Dark Family. Y con Climatic Terra, entramos a grabar el disco para marzo con 10 temas a puto Metal!!!! Espero sus opiniones y que lo disfruten!! METAL RULES!!!---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ENGLISH : My story begins in the Heavy Metal makes more than a decade, started as President for life "IRON MAIDEN WANTS YOU TO DEATH" IRON MAIDEN Fan Club, which I know many, and then reaching into another team as manager of Heavy bands Metal. For two years, I am on the other side of the stage, tables, as vocalist of Death Metal. I want to share in this space, the material that he recorded with bands invited me and also my current bands: Betrayer and Climatic Terra. They say this but I am infinitely grateful LETARGO who gave me the first opportunity to record one of my favourite topics for a tax that does not leave even edited. Also thank MA.LO.GA of Tierra del Fuego, which I was invited to sing a matter of them this early exit in his first record. And I do not want to forget Kaustos, my friends who always invite me to sing live on their shows and with whom I share an incredible show as carriers of EXODUS! With Betrayer are trained 6 months ago, a date we live for the moment and this recorded for a compilation that will be published by Dark Family. And with Terra Climatic enter recorded the disc in March with 10 items to pure metal! I hope their views and to enjoy! METAL RULES!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/26/2007
Influences: BANDS: Arch Enemy, Carcass, Cannibal Corpe, Devil Driver,Exodus, Testament, Satyricon, Dark Tranquility, Children of Boddom, Cradle of Filth, Six Feet Under, Behemoth, Kalmah, Killswitch Engage, Kreator... ANOTHER FAVORITES BANDS: Iron Maiden, Manowar, Sepultura ,Spirituals Beggars, Aerosmith, Primal Fear, Whitesnake, Judas Priest, Helloween, Motley Crue, Slayer, WASP,VOCALS: Angela Gossow, Dez Fafara, Jeff Walker, Satyr, Shagrath, Howard JonesANOTHER FAVORITES VOCALS: Ripper Owens, Dio, Bruce Dickinson, Eric Adams, Karen Carpenters, Andre Mattos, Janis Joplin, David Coverdal, King Diamond, Michael Kiske, Geoff Tate.....
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None