La banda se formo en San Juan Argentina. Recibe influencias de bandas de death metal como Cannibal Corpse. Corporal Dissection se hace conocer por sus perturbantes letras, la violencia y velocidad de su música caracterizada por brutales riffs y rápidas secciones de baterÃa, mientras su cantante ladra frenéticamente frase tras frase. Cuentan con tÃtulos como "Choking with the knife" (Asfixiándote con el cuchillo), "Fell the sawed blade" (Siente la hoja aserrada) que hablan por si solos de sus brutales y agresivos contenidos: La muerte en sus formas mas horribles y dolorosas, salvajes carnicerÃas y violentas mutilaciones se alternan con frÃos y cÃnicos asesinatos a través de afilados utensilios, el alto contenido gore de sus letras es solo comparable con la agresividad de su música. Corporal Dissection ha logrado gran cantidad de adeptos al género. Se espera para este 2008 el lanzamiento de su producción.BIOGRAFIA: The band I form in San Juan Argentina. Metal like Cannibal Corpse receives influences of bands of death. Corporal Dissection is made know by its perturbantes letters, the violence and speed of its music characterized by brutales riffs and fast sections of battery, while his singer frenetically barks phrase after phrase. Knife counts on titles like "Choking with the knife" "Fell the sawed blade" that speak in case single of its brutales and aggressive contents: The death in their horrible and painful forms but, wild slaughters and violent mutilations are alternated with colds and cynical murders through sharpened utensils, the high content Gore of its letters is single comparable with the aggressiveness of its music. Corporal Dissection has obtained great amount of followers to the sort. It is expected for the this 2008 launching of his production.