MOT Saturday's Heroes
Some of these lyrics Could be ABOUT ME So thats why i've stuck it here, plus its got a kick ass beat!
MOT Staring Into Space
Well seein as this bit's for ABOUT ME,well i do spend alot of time....STARING INTO SPACE!
MOT Another Day
Well i know this sections supposed to be ABOUT ME but this tune seems to be about a lot of mo fo's who have stepped out of line with me over the years. This has some of the best beats spread thru a tune ive EVER Heard!
M.O.T Strangeworld - The Video
The 1st Video of many! Keep your eyes peeled for at least 3 more over the not too distant future!
Lan mocks Phil
ABOUT ME?! Well i can tell you it doesnt take a lot to keep me amused!;=]
Express Yourself (Full Version)
ABOUT ME?!....I Do like a Quiet nite in with friends!!;=]
MOT Mrs Green
ABOUT ME?!....Well Meeeeeeeeeee and Mr's Green....We got a thing Goin On!