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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor Map.. width="425" height="350" ...... .. width="425" height="350" ......Maf, Spartan + johnny cradle dude sunday jam_ C.T fam jam_____ _____Johnny Cradle - from a distance (acoustic)_____ _____Kwal - La ou Jhabite_____ _____Kwal - Sanakounya extrait.... ..
Hello, My name is Jade. I'm 19 yrs old but almost 20 yrs old on Oct 7th. I'm from Naples, FL. I'm Unique. I'm a musician. I'm a singer and guitar player. I'm not in a band yet. I love making music, writing my own lyrics, playing my own songs, etc. I want to learm how to play the Kora and the Keyboard. I play the Keyboard little bit when I'm in Spain. I HAVE determination and motivation. I do my music with meaning and meaningfull words. I'm trying to bring awareness thriu my music about everything and whats going on in the world to all people. I want to make music videos and documentary videos in Africa to bring awareness to everyone about Africa, about everything, etc.... most of all LOVE. I'm a hard worker. I do my very best and my hardest in everything. I'm REAL. I keep it real. I am respectful, down to earth, understanding, very open-minded, laid back, honest, compassionate, tenderhearted, faithful, loving, caring, romantic, sweet, funny, strong, supporting, and God fearing. I am a trust worthy person. I have very much determination to help Africa. I'm very open-minded to anything. We can talk about anything. I am very easy going and easy to talk to. I treat people with respect and I enjoy doing lots of things with my friend. I have a lot family in England, Spain, here in USA, and New York. I'm British American. I'm a English decent too. All of the Ugandans inspired me really much to help them. I will help Uganda with everything in Uganda. I really love Uganda as my own country so much. I want help all of the Ugandan kids. I want to go to Gulu to help them. I want to make a organization in Jinja, Uganda and Gulu. I really want to stop the war in Northern Uganda. I love Jinja as my own city. I love Africa as my own continent. I have love for Jinja. I ALSO WANT TO HELP GHANA. I want to go to Ghana to help the people and Ghana with everything and to do so many things there. I want to go Tema and Nima and help. I want to make an organization in Nima. I know what to do for Ghana, what it takes and I have so massive determination. Africa needs me so much and I feel it in my heart. I will do my very best to help to Africa with eveything.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ I want to back to our mother land again. I miss Africa so much then ever before. I feel like Africa is my continent. Yeap I feel it in my heart about that. The feelings from the heart is always true. I will do my very best and hardest to help Africa. I have soooo much determination, motivation, etc.... ___________________________________________________________I will be your good friend that you ever had in your life in the whole wide world. TRUST ME on that. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- Looks doesn't matter but the inside dose matters. AGE doesn't matters at all because it's just a number. It is all about the inside, love, etc.________________________________________________________ ____________ 14th Sept 2007 at 11:16am ----------------- The people here are like driving me away from the USA to Africa. I don't want to be here any much longer because of it, etc. I need somebody here. Someone help me, save me from this hell._______________________________________________________ _____________________________ It is not excessively difficult to be an activist in Europe or America. The fascism we face, for the large part, feeds us and cloths us, houses us, treats us when we are sick and pays us a salary of some sort. Not with love or generosity, but in some sense, if we belong to the majority, our basic human needs are met.We can peacefully protest the system, join marches and sit-ins, throw poetry at effigies of Empire and criticize a de facto holocaust. We can proclaim the ever-present hope that another world is possible. And we can organise. Mobilise. Encourage the world to realise. But we can do it all from a comfort zone. From a place of not having to worry about money for the next meal, medicine for a sick child, heat for a freezing home. We act. But from luxury.But what of activists operating deep in the thick of the poverty and the destruction? Whose own lives - down to the most basic details are challenged and restricted, torn and traumatised by the world's worst oppressions?Mario Van Rooy knew what it was like to be such an activist. He was one.

My Interests

Music, Africa, GHANA, UGANDA, anything, dancing, singing, hanging out and going to the movies with my friend, helping everyone, making music, doing my very best in everything, etc.... MUSIC is my life. I like to take pics. I love to travel. I like writing and thinking a lot. Playing games on my PSP... Most of all, making music and playing my guitar.----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Ugandans, Africans, everyone. I would like to meet this Ghanaian hiplife band called VIP. I would love to meet Paul Rusesabagina, his family and Don Cheadle. I also would love to meet David Blaine, Ishmael Beah, ETC. And most important I want to meet some people in Naples, FL and in the USA.


Jamez Woodz, Boyz in September, Maurice Kirya, Michael Ross Kakooza, System Of A Down, A Perfect Circle, Ziggy Dee, Klear Kut, Young Nick and MSB, Ngoni, Michael Ross Kakooza, ABLE 4, Snooty Fredo, P-Tech of CTR, Generation Boys, Jonty, Kaz Kasozi, Benon & Vampos, Bobi Wine, Bebe Cool, Krayzie Native, Alpha one Crew, Ngoni, Touch, Damascus ft James, Ronald Mayinja, First Love, Digin T, Hasla, CocoRosie, Saba Saba aka Krazy Native, Lyrical G, Johnny Cradle, KKADDO MCS, Krukid, Fort Miner Damian Marley, ETC. I like any kind of music. Drowning Pool, Serj Tankian, Flyleaf, NIN, Disturbed, Ozzy, Linkin Park, etc..... HIPLIFE and HIGHLIFE music from Ghana


HOTEL RWANDA (2004). Red Eye and Half light. (2006) I like all kind of moives. I would love to see "Freedom Writers" (2007) I really love The last king of Scotland (2007). Ghosts of Cité Soleil, Invisible Children, Hip Hop Project, Hitman, JACKASS, I Am Legend (2007), ETC... No Country For Old Men (2007)


Sometimes watch Nick Cannon Presents Wild 'N Out, David Blaine, JACKASS, MTV, etc


Cool Gardens, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, Sovereign Soul by Casandra Hart, etc


My ex-boyfriend "Paul" and most of all is Mario Van Rooy aka Mr. Devious. The very most is Cory!!!!!

My Blog

NEWS: Steve-os letter from the looney bin

March 14, 2008 Yesterday, everyone at jackassworld was trying to figure out how to treat our brother Steve-O’s latest hospitalization. Do we make light of it like we did his arrest? No, he is...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:13:00 PST

I’m tried of the shit here... Ahhh about my exboyfriends too

I’m tried of the shit here. I’m out of the house everyday as much as possible because I don’t want to be here or deal with my fucked up, out of control half brother or I want don&rsq...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 04:58:00 PST


  Hotel Rwanda is base on a true story in Rwanda, east Africa in 1994 about Paul Rusesabagina and the Rwanda's genocide. The genocide just started April 6, 1994 because of president Juvenal Haby...
Posted by PRINCESS on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST

Cape Town MC Devious killed

Cape Town MC Devious killed CAPE Town rapper and hip hop activist Mario van Rooy - who performed under the stage name "Mister Devious" - died violently and tragically in Mitchells ...
Posted by PRINCESS on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 03:14:00 PST

Devious, Mister (South Africa)

Devious, Mister (South Africa)   BORN in Bonteheuwel township, Cape Town in 1977, Mario van Rooy,aka Devious and his family moved to Mitchell's Plain in 1982 ("to get awa...
Posted by PRINCESS on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 02:57:00 PST

In Honour of Mario Van Rooy aka Mr. Devious (1977 - 2003)

"The Death of an Activist" In Honour of Mario Van Rooy aka Mr. Devious (1977 - 2003)  ".so if I die, I pray to God that my seeds proceed"-- Mario Van Rooy, from "Can Money You?"  ...
Posted by PRINCESS on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 02:49:00 PST

R.I.P. Mr Devious

On January 23rd 2004, around 7.30pm, Mario van Rooy a.k.a. Mr. Devious tragically died from injuries inflicted by a small gang who were assaulting his father.Mr. Devious was one of the most ...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:32:00 PST


Uganda From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Republic of Uganda Flag Coat of arms Motto: For God and My Country Anthem: Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty Capital K...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 09:12:00 PST

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda

Yoweri Museveni From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Yoweri Kaguta Museveni became President of Uganda on January 29, 1986. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (born c. 1944[1], ...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 09:06:00 PST

President Idi Amin

Idi Amin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Idi Amin on a ten-shilling note Idi Amin (May 17, 1928  August 16, 2003) was an army officer and President of Uganda (...
Posted by PRINCESS on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 08:54:00 PST