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Pay attention to your experience and you will discover that emotion follows thought and belief.

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What kind of Witch are you?
You are a Healing Witch!You are sympathetic and nurturing! you help creatures in need, and are always giving.
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Step back from your experience. Observe yourself, your reactions and everything that happens through the eyes of a compassionate witness. This is what it means to pay attention....This is what it means to be aware.....This is what it means to be in the present moment.




Keith Urban and Elvin Bishop

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My sister Syliva Velez and my dad Alfred Auman R.I.P, I'm lost without u guys :( And for my kids, Matthew,Helena,lil Patrick I love u Always u r in my Heart Forever. Anyone can be a Mother but it takes someone Special to be a Mommy.For my best friend and sister, Patty, my LOCA for almost 30 years, what would i do if i didn't have u hehe. Hugs