Formed by Janet Weiss & Sam Coomes, Portland, Oregon, '93. Expiremented with various lineups in early live appearances, while recording as a duo, eventually settling on the duo format in performance as well. Released a cassette in '93, & a self-released CD (containing some of the material from the cassette plus additional material, all recorded in the bands basement rehearsal space with "home recording" equipment). Released 2nd Album, "R&B Transmogrification" (recorded in another basement with slightly nicer "semi-pro" recording equipment) on Up Records in '97. Released 3rd album, "Featuring 'Birds'," (recorded in a "professional" studio {16 tracks!})on Up in '98. Toured U.S., Europe, Australia, & Japan opening for & also serving as backup band for Elliott Smith, '98-'99, as well as touring on their own in U.S. & Europe during the same period. Released 4th album, "Field Studies," on Up in '99, continued touring. Released 5th album, "The Sword of God," on Touch & Go Records in '01, returning to self-produced home recording, albeit with upgraded equipment. Released 6th album, "Hot Shit!," on Touch & Go in '03. Quasi albums continue to be licensed internationally through Domino (U.K.) & P-Vine (Japan), & the band continues to tour actively, & are pleased with whatever successes they have achieved while maintaining a personal, anti-corporate approach.
This Profile is maintained on behalf of Quasi and Touch & Go Records by loreana