Derek profile picture


If loving you is wrong I dont want to be right

About Me

Im sexy thats a given. I like skinny skiing, deep sea lion hunting, skeet surfing, I like to sit in front of high schools blasting Def Leopard and reving the engine (it drives the chickies crazy), and I like the smell of my own farts. On any givin day you may find me traveling across the world or cuddling up with a book and a 1952 bottle of Dom in a paper cup. My friends call me the luckiest man in the world because of my enormous penis, I rarely fall asleep during sex, and the ability to shave my back without a miror. I guess you could say im quite the man about town a veritable pauly shore as such, and a bit of a flibertygibbert . To all of my friends and followers MUAH! MUAH! And to all the high school chickies call me if you want sting eye.

My Interests

eating tofu and having sex with dead animals

I'd like to meet:

People that drink to much and people that like showing me there boobies
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!



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Empire strikes back, Bannanas, Love And Death, Clockwork Orange, The Party, Scrooge (with albert finney)1941,Raiders of the lost ark, Harold And Maude, Mad Max, Super Troupers, Joe Dirt, and porn


Myth Busters, anything on discovery chanel and porn


All the Hitchikers books all the Lord of the ring books, anything by Isac Azimnof The Cay, Anything by Steven King and porn


Michael Kane, John Balushi, and porn

My Blog

Chicks dig me

chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear, and when I do its usualy something very unusual.
Posted by Derek on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST