The next gathering of the Trenton Capitol City Club will be on Friday, November 17th at 6 pm at KatManDu. Additional details will be provided in the Evite. I definitely recommend the Philadelphia Happy Hour Group on Friday nights at Davio's in Rittenhouse Square. My friends and I have organized a smaller version here in Trenton. We are still open to suggestions on an upscale place in Trenton to host future gatherings. Guys have to wear jackets and ties, and that is a big factor in eliminating the riff-raff! We have been responsible for inviting everyone, and the host bar or restaurant has money off the liquor sales. We have been to KatManDu, Fezziwig's and Chickie and Pete's. We are considering going to the Continental Tavern in Yardley. Its boring to read someone likes to keep fit and watch films isn't it. We all do that (some more than others). My interests are very similar to the other profiles I have read. Other things I enjoy give me a rush of adrenaline such as rock climbing, surfing or tennis. My favorite places to go on vacation are the Grand Cayman Islands, Catalina Island, Cardiff Bay and Key West. I have been fortunate to have modeling assignments in all of those places.
I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED OUR NOVEMBER 17TH HAPPY HOUR. IT WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU AND I AM VERY PLEASED THAT THE GROUP HAS EXPANDED. I THINK WE ALL HAD A GREAT TIME. WE NEED TO HAVE A BIG CROWD FOR CONGRESSMEN CHRIS SMITH (R) AND RUSH HOLT (D). I hope to find a guy who will share my interests. The best way to reach me is through e-mail at [email protected]. Activities interest me more than timed exercises and aerobic classes. When I am indoors, my favorite physical activity is dancing. If you don’t think that’s a workout, trying dancing non-stop for three hours and then we’ll talk. Recently, I discovered racquetball; wow, so much fun. I am surprised that it’s taken me this long to try it and now I want to do it all the time. When I am not in motion, I love to read, great music (jazz, Broadway, opera…), and a good movie. Museums, galleries, theater are also what I love to do to spend time. I love entertaining family and friends. Ultimately, the combination of tasty food, stimulating conversation, and a great bottle of wine is my favorite way to spend an evening. Is that enough of a start for you to get to know me? If not, you’ll just have to e-mail me for more.
I sure wish the Ramones were still playing once a month in Central Jersey. As I indicated, I really enjoy dancing and this often involves trips to Philadelphia because the Conduit Club is now closed. Any beats by AIMS the Vandal... Proper Beat Makers... Human Beings! Also: Elvis, Beatles, Dylan, Van Mor, Stones, Floyd, Bowie, Styx, Beasties, Pennywise, Korn, Metallica, Ozomatli, Aceyalone, Nirvana, Sublime, Fat Hed, Public Enemy, Portishead, Jamiroquai, ELO, Marley, Cypress Hill, Green Day, Shape Shifters, Julie, In Bloom, Tribe, XClan, De La, Old School Hip-Hop, 70's, 80's, etc.
All Lynch/Tarantino films and; Memento, Fight Club, Amelie, 'Night Mother, Dogfight, Vacation's, Deer Hunter, Halloween, Crash, Team America, all 80's flicks, and (let's not forget) ET, Goonies, OG Willy Wonka, and The Red Balloon!...
CSI, Law/Order, SVU, CI, Family Plots, Six Feet Under, Autopsy, History/Discovery Channel, Classic Arts Showcase, etc...
FLASH: Both Congressmen Chris Smith (R) and Rush Holt (D) have agreed to meet with us. The senior citizens lobby is very active. We have nothing against our grandparents, but there are many critical issues which impact our generation. We are the ones who will have to have pay off the massive federal debt and I want to ask both lawmakers about deficit spending.