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Follow Me Now To A Place You Only Dreamed About

About Me

"Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character,hope." -Romans 5:3-4 (NIV)

xxoo "He is my Popeye and I am his April O'Neil" ooxx

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I've loved. I've lost. I've lied. I've stolen. I've been many things. In this crazy world love does exist. So does hate. People lie and people do tell the truth... I'm only human and take me as that.

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Right now I want to make new contacts & to network. I am always looking to expand my portfolio. (A little about myself)... My life consists of acting/modeling/entertaining and that has been going on for a little over 13+ years now... I am not shy about trying new things and experimenting. I am typically always looking for a new look or to try new things. I am a social person- in college (majoring in marketing/advertising and Communications), love people, love talking, love staying active! -positive and I don't let people or things hold me back. as well as motivated and I pick up things fast!

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Here are more sites if you want to view my resume/portfolio:

.My favorite one.


One Model Place


My Web Site

My personal Site. There you can see my new appearences and such asMiss New Mexico 2008

So check 'em out! ...

And ...


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I love art, painting, pictures, any kind of media really... going to any kind of show or gallery i will just lose myself there.

YAZZE Music Coming Soon with Powermoves Entertainment!

YAZZE Music Pageright now I am working writting and making my own music. It's work in progress- Many Thanks to PowerMoves and the whole Crew! + Jeremy! He rocks and is probably the one to thank the most!

(I don't have a lot of "free" time)I work, I play, I act, I model, go to school & I do whatever catches my eyeI can be annoying, obnoxious & a pain in the butt like it- love it- hate it- I don't Care. If you’re real and down to earth.. you could say I am a pretty a random person worth knowning...(FYI) I make mistakes just like everyone else and I don't try to pretend like I don't.

-I support the American Cancer Society- My mother has and is fighting Cancer (8 years now) and this charity is very close to my heart.

My Interests

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.


n. 1.Light good-natured talk; banter 2.Light or frivolous maner of discussing a subject"Where there is love, there is life" - Mhandas Gandhi


I enjoy a plethora of things…→ Well first off.I'm A Hopless Romantic → staying home and watching a movie → being in love and being loved back → playing dress up with my Chihuahua → making breakfast for dinner → I like to play on my PS2 ------------chihuahua lover till i die-(*mine*) her name is Misty also +add+ a mutt named Cico (C-Co). one true wish =world peace.. when i wake up i try to analyze my dreams. i take a lot of photo's when i'm out. i love photoshop. i am attached to my cell phone- i have a problem. i stay up too late writing poetry .. i like to play my guitar and write songs. *favorite past time*- singing in the shower. i also have a pen-pal from over 5-6 years ago. i hate my toes. years ago- i was a girl scout. i love the smell of rain. favorite color= pink. i love the sound of snow. i love to doodle. i own too many shoes. i suck at lying. my favorite smell is dry cleaning. i'm not afraid of the dark- but what lives in the dark. i miss being a kid. i don't like conflict. i love running. i love the appearence of glitter but i don't like how it get's everywhere like sand. i hate hating. i forgive to easly. ------------↓ ↓ ↓I have been told my attention-span is the size of a peanut -- test studies show-- it's true.

I Love Quotes!

↓ ↓ ↓Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Things:↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓I have a wierd obsession with cows!I LOVE Sushi!↓ ↓ ↓


Beauty is a thing seldom seen. It is held by all within the soul it lies, waiting to come out to the surface, but it can only be found if someone is sharing your soul with you. Beauty is suppressed by the evils of the world. Only love can bring beauty out. Once seen, beauty never hides again. Not even hatred can deny beauty of it's true design. Beauty, although possessed by all by few and fewer yet will ever see one of the most beautiful sights - the beauty held by you.

I'd like to meet:

people who can be random and





This Is My Little Diva = Misty↑↓


is a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness.[1] The meaning of love varies relative to context. Romantic love is seen as an ineffable feeling of intense attraction shared in passionate or intimate attraction and intimate interpersonal and sexual relationships.[2] Though often linked to personal relations, love is often given a wider connection, a love of humanity, of nature, with life itself, or a oneness with the universe, a universal love or karma. Love can also be construed as Platonic love,[3] religious love,[4] familial love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods.[5] This diverse range of meanings in the singular word love is often contrasted with the plurality of Greek words for love, reflecting the concept's depth, versatility, and complexity.


is the mental, emotional and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offence, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. This definition, however, is subject to much philosophical critique. Forgiveness may be considered simply in terms of the person who forgives, in terms of the person forgiven and/or in terms of the relationship between the forgiver and the person forgiven. In some contexts, it may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender (for example, one may forgive a person who is dead). In practical terms, it may be necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgement, apology, and/or restitution, or even just ask for forgiveness, in order for the wronged person to believe they are able to forgive.

...I L-O-V-E Quotes...

"Time Heals All Wounds." -Groucho Marx

"Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. -Vince Lombardi".

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." -William Shakespeare"Dictum Meum Pactum." translation = My Word is Bond"We Can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough." - Helen Keller"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." "Keep In Mind That Neither Success Nor Failure Is Ever Final" -Roger Babson

"The Most Wasted Of All Days Is One Without Laughter" -E.E. Cummings

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"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose" - Lyndon B. Johnson "No Man Is Good Enough To Be Another Man's Master" -Geroge Bernard Shaw

"You Can Do Anything... But NOT Everything" -David Allen.

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LIGHTS ROCK! She just got a deal with OLD NAVY! Check her out/Add her/Support Her!

I love music...I guess you could say music plays a LARGE part in my life. You can tell my mood via my ipod! I play and try to play what I like on my guitar. I have a huge passion for writting & playing songs. It's my release to life, my own Psychologist-just free...I listen to what I want to- if I don't like it- I change it...

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This is my Friend Danny-B's! I love it! Check it out!

Must Listen to- Must Hear! Why? Sasha Rock- Sasha is Sweet and is a Hottie!


These are Movies & Shows I have been in

This was my first movie, we filmed part of it in Santa Fe, N.M.!

I have two different Parts in This! *Must See*

Fan Boys Rocked! The Crew and The Cast! It's a great comedy!

These are movies I love watching

I LOVE MCLOVIN! This is so funny!-then we have- THE ULTIMATE CHICK FLICK! 40 Day's 40 Nights, DOGMA, Underworld, Little Miss Sunshine, Queen Of The Dammed, Sweet Home Alabama, Donnie Darko, Sin City, Butterfly Effect, Sixteen Candles! Pretty In Pink! Pretty Woman! The Breakfast Club! The Godfather! Dogma! Sin City! Leagally Blonde! The Notebook! Sweet Home Alabama! I am pretty much just stuck in the 80's and I love romantic chick flicks!



I'm not one to watch it, I'm working to be on it... But.... If I do...


House, CSI, Heroes, nip/tuck, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, Comedy Central, Dava Chappel Show,Stand Up Comedy, Poetry, Anything that can bring me to laugh... I LOVE to laugh... ..


I read what I find laying around. I'm not really a top-selling kind of person. I'm more of a 2nd hand store, ebay, a friend told a friend kind of a thing.


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- - - - - - - To me it can be anyone... Famous or not... It can you, my dog, my neighbor or anyone on the street... But if you can stick to your word, be honest to me and to yourself. If you have the courage to stand alone and do what you you know is right... and Not care what other people think of you... yea.. your my hero! .." Perfection has one grave defect: it is apt to be dull." W. Somerset Maugham"Words are mere bubbles of water, but deeds are drops of gold" -Chinese Proverb

My Blog

209- absence of you

finding some lone rodewalking along without a soundfeeling the weight lifted no more trash no more sirenswith or without youyears of absencewithout a callwithout a noticefinding my own roadwalking wit...
Posted by yazze. on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:59:00 PST


planted in the ground as a seed full of love and faitheyes closed covered by a blanket of you motherfeeling the nature feeling you nuture water surounds mesometimes almost suffocating sometimes almost...
Posted by yazze. on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 12:55:00 PST

207 : )

floating in the airnumb from it allthe red has calmedthe fire is supressedfeeling the deepnessfeeling the hollowwishing to rewindwanting to be heldquite for sorrywaiting for a texta few words of kinds...
Posted by yazze. on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:14:00 PST


one wordone secondone breathone day...it's okayit was only a bad dayscream it write it think it sweat itit's okayyou did it you said it you thought itit's okayto my face and to my dismaythe thoughts f...
Posted by yazze. on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:04:00 PST

. . . more . . .

a realease a breath. a breath of fresh airflying high- feeling the sky just move just bei can finally seethe key was foundthe box was openedthe pressure is gonedays of old and new have and are &n...
Posted by yazze. on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:14:00 PST


the tight ropeto the left it's a fallto the right it's a falldown the line it's a walk you take alonea walk a journey a never ending walk         &n bsp;&nb...
Posted by yazze. on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:06:00 PST

203 + a message

Sometimes it's as if i'm looking down on myselfas if i'm floating in mid-airjust watching not moving and ever not growingSometimes it's as if i'm forgetting to breatheas if i'm about to fall and blac...
Posted by yazze. on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:13:00 PST


looking in the shadowslistening to the windhow could i miss ithow could you do ittrying to find youtrying to hold youcold stones on the pathice on the mind and in the heartyour the one that fell ...
Posted by yazze. on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:37:00 PST


sunlight through the windowshade on the grassthis time i won't look backthere you go and here i ammoving and shiftingfinally i am being liftedyou were right and i was wronggo and show dance in the lig...
Posted by yazze. on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:07:00 PST

little bird

take itrun with itlittle bird has seen too muchyour mind was always gonebelong to you i didfar away and gone you werehands like sandeyes like icethe little bird never felt a warm embracea heart that n...
Posted by yazze. on Sat, 17 May 2008 02:21:00 PST