C-Chrystine profile picture


Really, very, truly grateful...

About Me

CHECK BELOW FOR PODCASTS!!! The most original mixes you're ever gonna hear...

Some of my recent work

Some of my older photos

Remember SIMON?! I used to crack out on this game. You wouldn't believe how far I got. Its also a great tool for children to boost memory and teach music.

Asteroids is alot like life and its many problems: If you stay still and pay attention, you can attack the BIG problems and break them down in to smaller problems. Some of the problems get away from you, but a few adjustments on your part and you can get out of the way. Every now and then, a problem comes LOOKING for you and you have to either evade it or BLOW IT UP! Think about this as you play the game...

Original Star Child..or "Carla, still just a baby"...

Saw this and loved it...

Some Vaughn Bode inspired drawings I did long ago..

My Interests

Multimedia, photography, videography, filmmaking, painting, digital music production, writing, acrobatics (trying to get back in the groove), and dancing.

I'd like to meet:

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I love this song and this video: Aphex Twin - Jynweythek

Please make sure to check out the MySpace Message Board. All links are posted there. Instead of having to navigate thru MySpace, you can jump to the links quickly and add your own! Click on this message to go to the board!

Stuff I shot and edited on Youtube..

This is why I love YouTube..Same performance, two different angles..that was a good time. I shot the video on the top. You can see me in the video on the bottom in the red boots shooting the scene.Work it out..youtube.com/skyecreativeone

Ejoe and fam house dancing their asses off...

Please check out my Yahoo 360 page!!!

AND HIT UP MY RADIO STATION!! NOW!Subscribe Free Add to my Page

Was recently at a KillBill outdoor screening and wondered what still photographs taken from a projected image would look like...This is the result. You're watching me watching KillBill Vol 1.




Some of my recent work


Some of my older photos


Remember SIMON?! I used to crack out on this game. You wouldn't believe how far I got. Its also a great tool for children to boost memory and teach music.

Asteroids is alot like life and its many problems: If you stay still and pay attention, you can attack the BIG problems and break them down in to smaller problems. Some of the problems get away from you, but a few adjustments on your part and you can get out of the way. Every now and then, a problem comes LOOKING for you and you have to either evade it or BLOW IT UP! Think about this as you play the game...

Original Star Child..or "Carla, still just a baby"...

Some Vaughn Bode inspired drawings I did long ago..

Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

Skye Creative One http://skyecreativeone.bebo.com/


Drum n Bass/Jungle, Afrobeat, Brazillian, Metal, Punk, Ska, Breaks, Ambient, Dancehall, Techno, Deep House, 60's/70's old school rock and soul, Bhangra and traditional Middle Eastern, African, and anything that catches my ear...


Apocolypse Now ("Never get out of the boat..absolutely goddamn right.."), Run Lola Run!, O' Brother Where Art Thou? ("Why you boys are dumber than a bag a' hammers!"), Until The End of The World, Requiem For A Dream, What Dreams May Come, Jacob's Ladder, 1941("Real Japs, Sarge? No..wooden japs, cheetah, whaddaya think?"), Easy Rider, The Goonies, Altered States, Tron, The Black Hole, Saving Private Ryan, The Big Red One, The Dirty Dozen, Rosemary's Baby, All the Omens, Legend, Sid and Nancy, Romper Stomper, From Dusk Till Dawn, Three Kings ("We 3 kings be stealin' da gold..), Friday("Messin' wit my money is like messin' wit my emotions, Smokey!"), Snatch ("Beware any man who owns a pig farm"), Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, ALL Tarantino films, All Terry Gilliam films, Solaris (both versions), The Shining, Barbarella ("I'm looking for Duran Duran"), Empire Strikes Back, Most of the Star Trek movies, All 'arry Potter movies, The Neverending Story, Labyrinth, The Hunger, The Addiction ("Just tell me to go away NOW.."), American Werewolf in London ("oh itsa cold anda wet outa here.."), Party Girl ("Hey hey HE-LLO!), Paris Is Burning (Don't take it personal, you know how The Children are.."), Frieda, The Slums of Beverly Hills, Heathers, Pretty in Pink, Under The Cherry Moon ("if ya wanted to by a Sam Cooke a'bum, where woulda ya go? TO THE WREKA STOWE!")The Shining: A Romantic Comedy


Documentaries on anything relating to nature, history and wars, space exploration, ancient Egypt, and travel. Old movies from the 20s-40s. Comedy (stand ups who are my friends)


The Stand and most by Stephen King All Anne Rice books till she got scared and got God, The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune, Any Dr. Andrew Weil book, Any Chinese Medicine book, Any Ifa book, All Dune books, Tales of the Bounty Hunter, E by Irving Welsh, Geek Love, Most Clive Barker books, ALL The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.


French writer Collette, with whom I am honored to share a birthday, Angela Davis, also an Aquarian, Lillian Helman, Ayn Rand (also an Aquarian, Ripley from the Alien movies, Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight (yet another Aquarian), The Bride in Kill Bill, Octavia Bulter, LeLu from 5th Element, Princess Leia, Trinity, Jessica Atriedes, Isis/Bast, Sekhmet, Elizabeth I, Lola (Run Lola Run!) Dinky from Welcome Home Roxie Carmichael, ME!

My Blog

Sorry, only Jesus gets to do that..

Thu May 31, 10:15 AM ETBHEJAPADAR, India (Reuters) - The corpse of an Indian man was exhumed by his family in a remote eastern village in the belief that a witch doctor could bring him back to life, t...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:44:00 PST

Italian Ski Party!!!!

Thu May 31, 10:45 AM ETROME (Reuters) - Scientists have discovered particles of cocaine and marijuana, as well as caffeine and tobacco, in the air of Italy's capital, they said on Thursday.The concent...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:31:00 PST

New music of mine

I have been having SUCH technical problems..But here is a podcast of some original stuff I've been working on. Its very slow, downtempo electro stuff...not real jump up beats. Basically when I can't s...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:58:00 PST

Its been a minute..

I totally let this thing lay fallow. And its not like things have not been happening all over the place..I'll get my shit togther and get back to you...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:37:00 PST

Things dats evil, part 2

This mideast thing is exposing the worst of humanity and the lengths hatred will take you.Israel got Kofi Anan like "What the fuck is up with you, Israel?!" They killed the peacekeeper OBSERVERS for ...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:05:00 PST

Its officially worse

Written from my bulletin of:Jul 19, 2006 4:30 PM Subject: Ethiopia set to invade Somalia??????Body: I told you this shit is getting out of hand...Note the date..The sun going into Leo is in 3 days thu...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 03:11:00 PST

I'm sorry, but...

Israel is on some roid range type shit right now. Again, sorry if ya a Jew, but how is your country going balls out like this?Ya'll act like you just rolled into the Mideast (after the entire world ha...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:34:00 PST

This mideast thing is going to get worse...

When the Sun goes into Leo on the 22nd. Study Mundane Astrology (astrology for countries) and under current astrological climate, once the sun enters Leo, it will activate what they call a Grand T Squ...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:06:00 PST

Made for a friend...

I sent this to one of my comedian friends and was so stoked at how it came out, that I'm gonna post it here.I also made the aquarius graphic. Don't know if he ever posted it (he's funny like that), bu...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:03:00 PST

The Transpoet .1

In an attempt to pratice writing poetry and pratice writing in Spanish (and eventually other languages), I bring you a small poem, multimedia stylie.English translation:To live with clear sight, you w...
Posted by C-Chrystine on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 04:53:00 PST