CARL profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I play in SPECTRE. If you haven't heard of us, you will soon. I currently play bass. However, I've been a drummer since I was 10, and a guitar player since I was 15. I'm currently a bass player now. I also take a lot of pictures. You can check'em out here I was born and raised in the DC area, although a good amount of my childhood was spent in Texas, enough to allow me to claim duel citizenship. However, you can find me wandering the streets of Los Angeles, California now. But enough about me, how about you?

Check Out Our Band

My Interests

music, reading, photography, art, digital blasphemy, outdoor danger... MY BAND...

I'd like to meet:

anyone cool. anyone with the same interests and passions as me. generally speaking. for example...
Go Visit Angelie


anything that sounds, um... good. but especially..... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What type of PUNKER are you???
Classic Punker!!!
Sex Pistols(pictured), Ramones, Misfits, etc:You are original with your punk. Some people think you're not real punk, but you're what started punk. Kick ass!

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --


Hunt for Red October, Star Wars (past, present, & future), The Italian Job, Rated X, Boondock Saints, The Alamo, the Molly Ringwald Trilogy...
You Are Los Angeles
Young and fun, you always know where the best parties are.
And while you tend to keep things carefree and casual...
You certainly can glam it up when you need to.

Famous people from Los Angeles: Tyra Banks, Jake Gyllenhall, Freddie Prinze Jr. What American City Are You?
You Are Austin
A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.
You're totally weird and very proud of it.
Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.

Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick What American City Are You?




are good for the soul. i've just finished "Finding Orwell in Burma" by Emma Larkin. it's pretty amazing and desperately haunting at the same time. now i'm on to "Work Hard, Study...And Keep Out of Politics" by James Baker III.


1st & foremost, my family. AND,

My Blog

Thank yous & Spectre album out now!

First off we want to say thank you to everyone who made it out to the Key Club in Hollywood back on Saturday November 10th for our CD Release Party. Because of all of you, the night was incredibly sp...
Posted by CARL on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 05:40:00 PST

Making a Difference...(talented people in my life Vol. 2)

A while back I posted a blog about a talented person in my little world that I'm proud to know. In that blog I hinted that there might be more, so here is the 2nd installment.This blog is dedicated t...
Posted by CARL on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:41:00 PST


"The grass is always greener where the dogs are shitting"...I wonder if Chris Cornell was refering to LA when he wrote that lyric back in 1990 or 1991.Since moving to LA about 2 1/2 years ago I've not...
Posted by CARL on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:09:00 PST

TAG...this is all Darrens fault...

TAG...THE RULES:1. Post the rules, before you post the facts.2. Start with 8 random facts/habits.3. People who are tagged need to write their own posts about their own 8 facts and post these ...
Posted by CARL on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 05:20:00 PST

THE KNOCKAROUNDS video for "The Loner"

Back in early July I worked as the still photographer on this video shoot for a band I know called THE KNOCKAROUNDS. The video is for a song entitled "The Loner". It's all ready and posted, so I fig...
Posted by CARL on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:31:00 PST

"Lindsay Lohan was here"

"Lindsay Lohan was here" or so said the boarded up broken window at a Starbucks in Sherman Oaks this past Saturday. Laughed my ass off when I saw it.So we, SPECTRE, played the Viper Room this past Su...
Posted by CARL on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:53:00 PST

People Who Don't Appreciate You...

...CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES.Because no matter how much they claim they appreciate even the smallest thing that you do for them, they're only saying it to make themselves feel better about the way that t...
Posted by CARL on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 04:31:00 PST

Talented People in My World (volume 1 perhaps?)

I've been lucky enough to meet some really talented musicians, and even play, jam, or otherwise work with a few of them.This is a bulletin posted by one of them.I'll let his most recent works speak fo...
Posted by CARL on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:24:00 PST

The SPECTRE record... is done.

That's right. Finally. The SPECTRE record is done. We finished mixing it the other week and mastered it yesterday.Still gotta pick a track order, name the album, get press photos done, cover art, w...
Posted by CARL on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:52:00 PST

Rotoscope on iTunes!

I got word the other day that one of my previous bands is releasing an old single we recorded about 3 years ago. The band: ROTOSCOPE (consisting at the time of Courtney Totushek-vox, guitar; John Atha...
Posted by CARL on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:11:00 PST