An adventurer is me!
Some interesting people who don't judge very easy. People who are very cool and don't try to pretend something that they're not. I don't mix very well with people who like to stab you in the back or girls (in the most part).
You name it I like it. I have a love for technical rock music. I guess it depends on what mood I'm in.
Beck - Nausea
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Oh yeah! I love this topic. I enjoy a wide range of movies. I like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Donnie Darko, Momento, Requim for a Dream, Signs, From Hell, and a lot more movies but I don't have the patience to write them all down at the moment.
What's that? ;)
I'm currently reading Let the Drum Speak by Linda Lay Shuler. I heart historical fiction.