Music,art and.....
The Trip Daddy's-Shooter Jennings-Thin Lizzy-Black Stone Cherry-Corrosion of Conformity-Nashville Pussy-The Horrorpops-Zappa-Cash-Nugent-Led Zeppelin-The Who-The Stones-Social Distortion-Sex Pistols-Black Sabbath-Primus-Tom Waits-Link Wray-Eddy Cochran-Gene Vincent-The Stray Cats-Brian Setzer-Lee Rocker-Slim Jim Phantom-Duane Eddy-The Allman Brothers-Lynyrd Skynrd-George Thorogood-Hank-Hank Jr.-Hank III-Cream-BB King-Muddy Waters-Albert Collins-Clarence"Gatemouth"Brown (RIP)-Roy Clark-Buck Owens(RIP)-George Jones-Merle Haggard-Anthrax-Pantera(Dimebag RIP)-Jimi Hendrix...somebody stop me
I listen to this lil' lady every chance I should too!!
R.I.P. Porter Wagoner
R.I.P. Evel Knievel
The (ever-so-hot) Karen Cuda @ Mojo's Ruyter Suys @ Mojo's Black Stone Cherry @ The Blue Note Shooter Jennings @ The Blue Note The Reverend Horton Heat backstage @ The Blue Note Hank III @ The Blue Note The man!! Chuck Berry @ The Blue Note Buckcherry @ The Blue Note Luther Dickinson from North Mississippi All-Stars @ Roots n Blues BBQ Chris Chew from
North Mississippi All-Stars
@ Roots n Blues BBQ Adolphus Bell @ Roots n Blues BBQ Taj Mahal @ Roots n Blues BBQ Big Sandy w/Los Straitjackets Danny Amis from Los Straitjackets Jason Smay from Los Straitjackets Eddie Angel and Pete Curry from Los Straitjackets Deke Dickerson w/Shelby,Stephen and Me Jason Smay with Shelby and Stephen Shooter @ The Blue Note 9-26-07
The Horrorpops - Horrorbeach II The Horrorpops - Heading For The Disco
The Trip Daddy's "Stolen Caddy" at The Way Out Club...they KICK ASS!! Dropkick Murphys w/Stephanie Dougherty
- The Dirty Glass Clutch "Electric Worry" Artimus Pyledriver "Swamp Devil" Ruyter Suys of Nashville Pussy guitar solos AWESOME! The Distillers "Drain The Blood" Hank III @ The Blue Note in Columbia,Mo. (I will take full responsiblity for any bullshit copyright this might violate). The Horrorpops - Ghouls Black Stone Cherry @ The Blue Note in Columbia,Mo. These guys are awesome..on and off stage!! The Horrorpops - Where You Can't Follow Los Straitjackets "Tempest" John Prine & Iris Dement "In Spite of Ourselves" Shooter Jennings on David Letterman Unknown Hinson "Venus Bound" Computers is straight from hell!!!
GRINDHOUSE baby!!!! I'll admit I like Death Proof the most...
I really stumbled upon this one...I love it!!
Killer Diller...this is a pretty good movie. It was filmed very close to where I live! Lucas Black does a real good job playing Vernon Jackson....with his 63 Plymouth..check it's the trailer!!!
The television man is crazy Saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks Man I need a TV when I've got T. figure that one out!!
Bukowski-Tales of Ordinary Madness...Hunter S. Thompson - The Great Shark Hunt...(anything by Chuck Palahniuk)- currently reading The Heroin Diaries - Nikki Sixx.I read when I get a moment and it has to be damned good!!! Books are like vacations for me. "It never got weird enough for me"-HST
Zappa "Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST.."
Frank Zappa
John Kricfalusi
Ralph Bakshi
Robert Crumb